Stalking the Love

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I walk out of the locker room only to see Ben sitting on the bench with his guitar waiting for me.

"Hey Kayla! I was calling you" He says sadly. I hate making people sad so I stop.

"Sorry, um what do you need''

"I was going to see if you wanted to go get some ice cream"

"Sorry I'm lactose intolerant."

"Popsicles?" He practically begs

"Maybe another time?" I say trying not to hurt his feelings.

"Yeah sure" he says. He tries to cover the hurt but I still notice. I leave and get into my car and go to my work at hot topic.

***Few weeks later***

***Ben's POV***

She's beautiful, graceful runner gorgeous brown hair tied in a ponytail, big blue eyes and her voice...I mean I have a reputation to keep up 'sleep with em dump em' It keeps me from ending up like my parents. But this girl set something off in me. Its like yeah sleeping with her would be fucking amazing but I also want to share secrets with her and hold her hand as we walk down the hall.

"Hey bro. Ready for tonight?" my best friend Danny say putting his arm around my shoulders.

"Hell yeah the party is going to be off the fucking hook'' I said getting into my car. Danny let go getting in the seat behind me. James was in the passenger seat and Danny, Sam and Cam sat in the back. I dropped them all off at their houses and Danny told us all the party started at nineish. I walk in to my house famished. I look and remember that I needed to shop. I boiled some water on the stove and put in two packages of water. When they were done I separated them into two bowls. I took one bowl and entered the living room where my mother was blankly staring at the tv.

"Here mum. Sorry I forgot to shop we'll eat better tomorrow" I say holding out the bowl. She doesn't aknowlage me so I set the bowl beside her on the table and left to go get my own bowl. I ate then took a shower. I threw on some clothes and sprayed on some cologne for the ladies. Then headed out to Danny's house, trying to forget about my mum.

***Kayla's POV***

Petite Cookie texted me telling me to meet her at a address. I get in my car and drive for 5 minutes. I stop, seeing her and she hops in.

"What the hell are you wearing?" she says frowning.

"My normal wear? You didn't tell me any different" I say looking to see she has a purple dress on.

"Oh right! Sorry! We are going to a party and Danny Warsnop's house. He's in to great music''

"Is there fee boos?"

"Yeah but I don't drink"

"I do. I'll go home and change then we can go."

We arrive at my house and I invite her in. My white dog, luna, attacks her with kisses and Petite Cookie is filled with joy. I go into my room and change into a tight grey dress, it has one strap with studs and goes mid thigh. I throw on some better make up, lip gloss and a pair of pumps and leave my room.

"Where the fuck you going?" My dad slurs, smelling of vodka

"Nowhere dad, go back to bed" I say gently pushing him into his bedroom and he passes out onto the floor.

"Great" I mutter running downstairs. I grab my keys and drag Petite Cookie out. I haven't know her long but we have been getting closer and closer as best friends. She directs me to his house which is not that far actually we could have walked. I hear music blasting, good music too. I walk to the beer cooler and Petite Cookie disappears. I sigh going to a dark corner.

***Ben's POV***

I'm have a great fucking time, there is a girl grinding on me and another kissing me. They both leave to some other guy and I go grab a beer. I spot Kayla sitting against the wall with an almost empty beer. This is my chance, I grab a two beers and walk over to her handing her one.

"Those girls looked nice" Kayla says unsure.

''Whores'' I laugh sipping my beer.

"Great song" She said referring to a new song that just came out by Escape The Fate.

"Ronnie's cool but fucked up" I nod in agreement. ''Speaking of want some?" I say pulling out weed

"Now you are speaking my language." Kayla says lighting her blunt. I do the same

***The next morning***

***Kayla's POV***

I wake up to a passed out Ben and since I'm still clothed I think I'm okay to leave. I carefully step over people and find Petite Cookie. She said she didn't drink but she's passed out with a beer bottle in her hand. I shrug and sling her over my shoulder and throw her in my car. I drive to my house and she wakes up. We play mine craft all day and she goes home sunday to finish homework.

Back at school I couldn't stop thinking about Ben. Petite Cookie talked but I just gazed at him. His hair perfectly fits into his beanie. I sighed thinking about eye candy.

"He skips classes, failing everything but band, and spreads std's like Pokemon." She tells me talking about Ben.

Skipping classes. Hmmm I could get into that

***two weeks later***

I get so depressed I don't even want to go to classes. I walk out of the building starting my jog. Thinking about Ben again. His hair and muscular and oh don't get me started on his smile. The way he makes me laugh. I get so lost in my day dream that I don't even see him running next to me.

"Whatcha thinkin about" he says startling me out of my day dream

"Nothing" I say smiling sheepishly

"You were smiling. It was about a boy"

"No" I say looking down. I see his rippling abs out of the corner of my eye and I feel my kegs falter a bit.

"Who is it?" He says poking my sides almost making me lose my balance since I'm so ticklish.

"No one special!" I say kicking my speed up a notch. He stays with me. God damn I'm such a girl, having crushes and such.

We sit down on the ground under the tree.

"I like someone too" he confesses.

"Oh?" I say

"Yeah" he says leaving in for a kiss. But fails when the sprinklers go off, causing me to run in attempt to keep my hair dry.


We throw our caps into the air and when attempting to catch mine I bump into Ben.

"Sorry love" He laughs

"Quite alright." I say laughing along

"Hey Kayla?" Ben says. Then before I can reply he kisses me. I'm shocked. I hear Petite Cookie call and run off to her. Leaving behind all the new found confusion.

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