Chapter 17 - No Stops Along The Way

Start from the beginning

"Are you trying to fucking kill me?!" Jacob said as he stuck his head back, only for something else to be thrown at him, a needle hitting and stabbing itself into the wall.

Jacob decided to stay behind the door until he heard Adam ask Abby to stop and let him in.

"F-fine, but he better be grateful" Abby said as she made sure to not face Jacob and only look down at Adam.

Jacob slowly stepped in and, seeing that no one was going to copy his actions from before, straightened up with his hands slipping into his pockets. He didn't speak at first, he only looked down at Adam who he noticed couldn't move properly.

"I see you're at least alive, I'm glad about that."

"Y-you're glad?" Abby said as she tried her best to not turn to the boy, "He is in pain from your stupid stunt!"

"I'm sorry for that, alright! I swear I don't usually do those kind of things, it was completely out of my peaceful nature."

"Then why did you do it, Jacob. I remember you did this on our first meeting too, why suddenly do it again now? Did something trigger you on the fourth floor?"

Jacob looked off to the door of the infirmary as he tried his best to speak, "I don't have an excuse that will benefit you all, and I know that, but I got worried. I read those letters, and I saw the bodies too. I don't know what else I could've been after all that."

"I can understand that, but that's no excuse to just throw something as dangerous as a small die at someone, that could've damaged a vital area such as his neck or maybe his ear" Simon said.

"I know that, alright?" Jacob said, "I originally went to the library just to read, it calms me down, but seeing the door open without warning freaked me out and so I tossed a dangerous item."

Everyone gently lowered their heads with a sigh as Carlos hesitantly patted Jacobs back with his left hand, "Just try and make up for it, that's the best advice I can give right now."

Jacob gave off a slight stare towards Carlos without making it too obvious, then stepped forward to get the boys hand off his back.

"I plan to, so if it's alright with you all I'd like to stay here and keep an eye on Adam, this is my fault and I should be the one to care for him at the very least."

Everyone grew hesitant but the first to move was Lexi, she stood to her feet and walked over to Jacob, handing him the plate of food.

"Here, I made this for him, i-if you're staying then at least feed him this. He finds it painful to move so he'll need to be fed."

Jacob hesitantly took the plate and Lexi, making sure he had it properly grasped, ran out of the room with Simon, Marco and Carlos staring at her, while Abby kept her face down at Adam.

"What's up with her?" Carlos said, and once Marco whispered in his ear, Carlos' eyes widened and he had to cover his mouth.

Marco nudged his chest, Carlos feeling like the big man's strength was going to kill him with just a nudge so with a light gasp in pain Carlos stepped away, covering his chest.

"Don't hurt me like that, goddamn that hurt" Carlos said.

"Then don't laugh, she must be hurt, that's not funny" Marco said, he began walking for the door and opened the left one for him, "I'm going to check up on her."

He left the room and headed for the dormitories as Jacob tried taking the seat beside Adam but Abby was already sitting down at it. Jacob stared down at the food in his hands, hoping Abby would realize he couldn't stand while holding the plate, but she took the plate from his hands too and picked the bread up from the plate so she could bring it towards Adams mouth but the boy didn't try eating it.

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