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As the ThunderCats arrived at the Cat's Lair, Lion-O and Kagome were the last ones to exit out of the tank. Lion-O Jumped out first then casually reached his hand out for her to take, helping her off of the tank.

Motioning with a wide sweep of his hand, he smiled.

"Welcome to Cat's Lair. My home." He spoke proudly.

"Uchi?" She mumbled in her own language. "Home?" She repeated taking in the grand sight.

"Uchi?" He copied the word. "Does that mean home?" He asked. She nodded her head.

"Uchi, home."

"I see." He hummed. "Why don't I show you around my uchi?"

She just smiled brightly before they walked into Cat's Lair.


Lion-O calmly walked down the hallway, he was guiding Kagome through the rooms of the Lair so she could familiarize herself with them. He glanced at her, and he frowned slightly. She was walking slowly, limping with each step, and every now and then she would wince.

Suddenly he stopped, and she looked at him questionably. Bending down he picked her up carefully, holding her in his arms, close to his chest. He was slightly surprised at how light she was--

"Put me down." She started to squirm in his hold and kick her feet. As she pounded his chest with her small hands, he just held her tighter, not paying attention to her persists.

"You're hurt." His deep voice surrounded her, causing her to pause in her struggle. "I'm not going to let you walk any further on your injured legs." He spoke with a stern tone, saying that was that, and ending an argument that wasn't even a real fight to begin with.

Her ears slowly deflated, and he watched as she looked down at the ground, a blush staining her cheeks.

With that said he continued his small tour, carrying her the whole way...

"And this is my room." He turned towards the door, and it automatically opened.

"Lion-O's?" She stared inside the room for a few moments.

"Yeah." He nodded, before turning and walking a few steps further. "And this is yours." He smiled. "Directly beside mine." He figured it was best that way, so he could keep an eye on her. "Kagome's." He told her, so she would understand a little better.

"...!" Her eyes widened as she stared at the room, and he chuckled at her reaction.

He walked into the room, the door opening on its own, raveling a nice large room for her to call her own.

"Cheetara and the others probably already got clothes for you to wear while I was showing you the Lair." He had a feeling that was the case.

Walking over towards the bed, he carefully placed her down onto the soft comforter and took a step back.

"...?" She looked up at him and blinked in confusion. He gave a soft sigh, before turning towards her closet and opening the door, revealing several different' outfits for her to wear. "!!" Instantly her eyes lit up with joy and she jumped onto her feet, but then she hissed, falling back onto the bed.

"Are you alright?" He asked, looking down at her in worry. She just shook her head, and looked down at her lower half, as if disappointed at herself. She raised one of her legs and started to rub her calf, a deep look in her eyes. "After the meeting is over with, I'll have Tygra look over your legs to see if he can help you."

"Tygra...?" She repeated.

"Yes. We don't have a real healer in our group, but Tygra is pretty smart and has many medicines. Not to mention he knows a lot about how the body works, and other such things. Out of all of us, he would be the best choice on how to help your legs."

"Tygra help?" She asked. He just nodded.

"Yeah. Tygra will make you feel better."

"Tygra makes me feel good?" She repeated, her words were broken and strangely worded.

Lion-O sighed, feeling a rush of heat go into his cheeks, and he reached up, covering up his embarrassed face with his clawed hand.

Oh boy...

Lion-O and Tygra and Romance Oh My~ (Inuyasha/ThunderCats Xover)Where stories live. Discover now