Then it hit you, she was choking on blood.

You watch as slowly, life drains away from her body. Watching her every movement. She kept gasping for air, flailing her hands about, just trying to breath. You could have helped her but you knew you would have died when she regained health. A few moments later she was dead.


Suddenly all those memories of the abuse you have received from your family had shifted into you. A gloomy look had flooded over your face. You realised you were now standing in the middle of a bloodbath. Your parents are dead and you basically killed your mom, but you were never scared. You simply shrugged and said;


After staring for a few more seconds you decide it's time to go. So with that you walk upstairs and start packing your things.

"I have to get out of here. I don't know where ill go but it will be away from HERE."

You grab your dads biggest survival backpack, (He loved to hunt but he said he would shoot you if you got in the way) you then enter your room and grab a small pillow and your journal, stuffing it into the pack. You then head downstairs and grab all the canned food you could take, along with an X-Can Opener. You finish up with the necessities and take one last glance at your parents before heading out the door.

Halfway down the road you stop, wondering where you should go now. You had all the money your parents had and you got the rest from what little they had in the bank. Obviously you knew you couldn't just buy a house or the police would trace it back to your parents so you would need to find some sort of shelter for awhile. Then it hit you...

"I can go to the sewers! Nobody would think of checking for me down there so its perfect! Just one tiny problem... There's a creepy clown down there."

It's not that you were afraid of it because you could fight back easily right? Just another guy in a costume so it shouldn't be hard...

You start to make your way down to the sewers, carrying your pack along with you.


Your POV


I finally arrived at the sewer entrance. I sigh from the long walk as I peek inside. Maybe the clown left? I walked down the long path until I reached a hole in the floor. There was a rope leading down. I couldn't see much, nothing but dim light. Curiosity takes over as I start to climb down the rope to see what lies ahead. A few times I could feel my heart stop as I almost slipped, I had these gloves on that I took from my dad and they helped in climbing.

As I got closer to the bottom a noise kept getting louder, it sounded like... Bones crunching?


You finally made your way to the bottom. What you saw after turning around left you in awe.

"Woah... Are these? All the missing children from before... There floating?, and this mountain of things, from toys to pianos its all here."

You walk around the area until you see an opening. A tent, it almost looked like a lost train car, was in the middle of the mountain. It read: "Pennywise the Dancing Clown"

Suddenly the door to it opens and you can hear carnival music coming from inside.

You know that this feels like your in a horror movie. It was weird though, you weren't scared or anything just... Curious. (Well I guess you did see your dad die and you killed your mom)

As you enter the music gets louder and louder until, suddenly it stops. Everything was quiet and the lights flashed off. One single light remained and it shone on one seat. Without hesitation you make your way over and sit down. The lights grow dark again.

This time the lights pointed back to a kid. You could see a little boy start to make his way to the stage, he stops in the middle.

"Please help me"

You listen as he cried out, begging for help but you never got out of you're seat.

A few moments later he fell to the floor, then something crawled out after it. It was a clown- Pennywise!

Your slightly confused as to what and why everything is happening but what you saw next left you shaking a little. The clown, pennywise- started to break the boys bones... Was he? Eating them?! All you could do was watch until you decided it was Time to leave, you figured you must be dreaming so you slowly got up, out of your chair, trying to contemplate what you had just seen. As you make your way over to the exit of the tent, the door disappears. This left you in confusion but was even worse when you turned around to find the clown right behind you, he was covered in blood and had a few remains of the boy left on him.

"Why hello again, (N/A)."


Ended that on a cliff hanger. The next chapter will be out tomorrow or later today. ^-^

I hope you guys like this story so far. I want to take it slow and not just jump in with things right away, that takes things away from the story.

If you did like it, please give feedback, It's always appreciated.


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