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"Remember, when you step out of this house you're no longer Silas Dakota Archer, you're Silas Cody Frey" dad remarks the words he tells me every year of school since pre-k. I give him a thumbs up and wink. "I'll see you later champ, don't kill anyone" he smirks and I laugh.

Dad and I have always been super close ever since I was born. Champ. That's the nickname he's been calling me my whole life. Nice to know things don't change, because I hate change and so does dad. Mom, she's also my pride and joy. Just dad and I have that tight bond.

"Bye dad! Bye mom!" I shout before walking out of the house and into my Lamborghini. The school is right down the street so I don't have a far ride which means more time to sleep in sweeeettt. It's odd driving though when it's just me because when dad and I drive, he speeds really fast... without mom knowing of course. I'm not allowed to though due to some incident that happened to my great grandparents and dad.

Pulling into the school, I park in the one parking spot I've been parking at since I could start driving to school. Everyone knows not to park there or else I'll fucking rip their head off even if I never talk.

Silent ones are the worse ones.

The hallways clear once I walk into the building my parents and grandparents once walked. I took over dads spot. He use to stand in the way back where nobody was so that's where I go. I just stay on my phone away.

"Hey bones!" a familiar voice causes me to look up. The same group of three guys that bully this innocent girl every single day of each school year is back at it. Call me an asshole for watching it everyday, but I believe she can fight back. I root her on every time and if she fails, give it another day. "Missed us huh? Skinnier than ever aren't you baby?" the schools biggest jerks, Carson, Gavin, and Mason pick on her.

Ella, the innocence, cowers down and shakes. She never talks. Ella was always shy. My first and only encounter with her was pre-k...

"I'm Silas!" I greet. She turns to me and smiles. "What's your name?" I ask and she whispers something. "Sowwy, what did you say?" my eyebrows push together in confusion.

"Ella" she shyly raises her voice. Oh... she must be shy. I should pwobably leave her alone then.

She's also always been really skinny. Not... average skinny, bones skinny. Hence why those guys call her bones. I don't know the girl, it could just be how her body functions, but either way she's strong and has a voice she can use to speak up.

Her lips quiver, trying to form words. Yes! Come on Firefly! This is the closest she's ever been to talking, ever. She closes her eyes and clutches onto her books, failing to speak. The guys look at each other and smirk before turning to her and punching her like they always do.

When it gets like this I try not to look -- but when they leave -- I always make sure she's okay before I walk off. I'm sick. I know. I've seen worse... way worse... so I know she's gonna be okay.

But this time, my blood boils. I find myself stomping towards them and throwing them over my shoulder. Gasps are heard around us and phones are taken out. No surprise, they just never expected the one that stays away to confront these assholes.

"Leave her the fuck alone!" I growl as I stand in front of Ella and they stand up with confusion on their faces. Good. They're scared. "Every fucking day for four years is enough. This girl has done nothing to you or any of you fuckers so leave her the hell alone before I make you" I look at everyone then stomp my foot hard on the ground which causes everyone to flinch and backup. The bell rings and everyone runs to class without hesitation then I hear Ella from behind me slowly begin to walk off. "Stay" I say sternly with my back still faced at her.

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