Chapter 2

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Garroth's POV

"So bro, what you thinking about?" Laurence says and snaps me out of my thoughts

"Nothing" I say

"Really?" Zane asks, then goes upstairs

"I was thinking of that new girl, she was cute" Laurence says

"She was cute..." I say

"So this is another competition?" Laurence asks

Dante breaks the window, and runs in "Did I hear competition?"

"Yes, but we're not haveing competition" I say

"Why not?" Laurence asks

"Because it's wrong to make a competition out of getting a girl" I say

"Oh wow Garroth got smart" Zane says from his room

"Shut up one eye!" Laurence yells

"Your right Garroth..." Dante says and jumps out the other window (wow Dante...)

"Dante stop breaking windows!!!" I yell

Laurence starts to chase him

Your POV

I hear yelling and walk out side and see Laurence chasing Dante. I walk to Garroth's house and knock on the door

"Hi (Y/N), I'm guessing your here because of Laurence and Dante..." Garroth says after he opens the door

" uh...what's happening?" I ask

"We were talking, we as in Laurence and I, and Dante intruded, and came in though the window, so Laurence got mad and is now trying to murder him." Garroth explains

A grumpy baby (Zane) walkes downstairs "Whats going on?" He asks sleeply

"AWWWW Zuzu just woke up!!!" I squeek and hug him as Laurence walks in

"One eye let (Y/N) hug him!!!!" Laurence gasps

"Aww my baby bro is growing up!!!" Gwarroth says (Yes Gwarroth.)

"Ugh. You two are so annoying..." Zane says and pushes me away

I whisper to Zane "Aphmau wanted to talk to you about your show."

"Wha- uh- did she tell you?" He asks

"Nope. I wish she did though." I say

"Good. Bye idiots." Zane says and leaves

"Bye ZuZu!" I cheer and he glares at me

I turn on my heel "so Dante dead...?" I asks

"No, not yet at least." He says

"Don't kill him, he's funny" I say

"He is annoying" Laurence says

"True" Garroth says

"Sometimes" I say

"How- he- ugh..." Laurence stutters

"I'm going to go now" I says and walk away

"Wait (Y/N) want to watch a movie?" Laurence asks

"What movie?" I ask

"Well there is Finding Dory" Laurence says

"Will there be (snack)?" I ask

"Yeah" Garroth says "I guess"

"Okay, I'll watch Finding Dory with you" I say

*Time skip*

"Okay" Laurence says, as he finally starts the movie

Laurence sits next to me, and I'm in the middle now. I grab a hand full (or one if it is a bigger snack) of (snack) and start eating some

*Another time skip to some time later, near the end of the movie*

I sit up "Shi- I mean shoot" I say

"What?" Garroth asks

"I need to finish my work" I say

"You have a job?" Laurence asks

"I'm a designer. And I need to finish something for a client." I say as I stand up, and put on my shoes

"Can we help in any way?" Garroth asks

"That would be appreciated, but enless you know how to sow then not really." I say

"Ehhh... no." Laurence says

"Then no." I say as I walk out the door

I'm in a Carr!!!!! And I'm borrrrrrrrrrred!!!!

Just work-Lovers lane Garroth X ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ