Chapter 10

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So this is chapter 10. I hope you like it! :)


*Chapter 10*

Zayn's POV

I didn't know what to do with my life. I'm nothing without Ariana. She was my anchor, she held me in place. And now, she pulled me under. She pulled me under the sea. I'm alone. But most of all I'm heartbroken. Truth is, I just want to die. Nothing is the same without her. I'm a complete mess.

I bet she found somebody already... somebody way more better than me...


Sitting on the balcony crying, wasn't going to help me. She was in the room packing her bag. I really messed up. I have to do something before she leaves. I stood up and saw her zipping her bag. I took her wrists in mine. She had fear in her eyes. She was scared. She was scared of me. I sighed and closed my eyes before opening them up and saying "I'm sorry" but she escaped from my grip and took her bag.

As she was about to leave, I took the suitcase from her and took her wrists again.

"Tell me you didn't mean it" I said, my voice slightly shaking and cracking.

"I did! I meant every fucking word I said! Now leave me alone! I want to leave this place!" she screamed at me, tears pouring down her face. Even with all the make up smudged on her face she looked beautiful.

She escaped from my grip once again and ran down the stairs and into the darkness of the cold night.


I drove by all the places we used to hang out getting wasted

That night was absolutely terrible. I don't even want to think about it. Liam came into my room, pity spread in his eyes. I didn't want him to pity me. He should care about himself and Sophia and not about me because I can handle this on my own.

Hell, why am I even lying? I can't handle this on my own, I'm broken. My heart is shattered into small pieces!

"Mate, she still loves you" he said. Well of course he would say that. He's my best friend, he needs to give me some reassurance and comfort that she still loves me. Even though I know she doesn't.

I snorted. "Yeah because if she actually did love me, she would run back to me or call me saying she did! Liam, why can't you understand that! She hates me! She fucking hates me! She'll hate me even more when she's going to find out that Perrie kissed me! Perrie was obviously happy. She wants me to break up with Ariana, she wants me back! Hell, I bet she already found out that I cheated on her" I said and broke into silent sobs. I was always the silent type. I never actually broke down in front of the boys. They never saw me in my worst state. Nobody did.

"You what!? You cheated on her!? Well no wonder she broke down crying at the airport" he trailed off at the end. My mouth went slightly agape. What the fuck did he just say?

"She what!? She was crying at the airport!? How do you know?"

"It's on the television and newspapers" he said as if this was normal. I took the newspaper that he was holding and saw that indeed, Ari was on the front page. She was holding her suitcase and even though the picture was made from quite a distance, you could see she was crying. Her eyes were red and puffy, she was make up free, meaning she must have taken it off in the toilet and her cheeks were stained from the tears. The title of the article read "Malik's girlfriend Grande running away from the truth!?" Well shit. She must have seen the newspaper already. I read some more of the article which said

Is Ariana Grande running away from the truth that Zayn Malik from the most biggest boy band in the world is hiding from her? Or maybe they broke up? Nobody really knows but by the look of things, Ariana was crying meaning stuff went pretty bad between them. Will she trust Malik again or find new love in Ireland? More information on page 15.

So she flew to Ireland...

I turned to page 15 and there was a picture of me kissing Perrie, or her kissing me actually. I'm done. Ari is going to kill me. Underneath was the caption "Malik cheating on Grande with a mysterious blonde?! Did he get bored of the redheaded Ariana Grande?"

I threw the article to the floor and sighed. I messed up BIG time.

Liam patted my shoulder. "Trust me Zayn, she loves you. She needs some time" he said and left the room.

Ariana's POV

I woke up this morning feeling refreshed as ever. I took a shower and put my hair in a ponytail. I went downstairs to see my mum and brother sitting at the table sipping coffee. I smiled as I passed them and made myself some breakfast.

"Ari..." my mum said to break the silence that surrounded us. I turned to her and she looked.. sad.

"Mmm hmm?"

She passed me the newspaper where on the front cover was me. And I was crying. Fucking paps.

I read the title "Malik's girlfriend Grande running away from the truth!?"

What truth?

As I read page 15, a certain picture caught my attention. It was Zayn with some blonde girl. And they were kissing. Underneath was the caption "Malik cheating on Grande with a mysterious blonde?! Did he get bored of the redheaded Ariana Grande?"

So he was accusing me of cheating on him when he.... cheated on me with some blonde barbie! This was enough evidence for me to know that he cheated on me. I couldn't take it. I threw the paper to the floor and ran upstairs to my bedroom. I locked the door and broke down...

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