We'll show them (Rafe x fem! reader)

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I was always putting myself into situations I knew I shouldn't have, for I was a journalist. At first I was doing it for my own personal longings. I was always fascinated with history and the ways of ancient civilizations, but I only ever truly dedicated myself to it when I found out that I was doing things others could only dream of. I had specific ways of obtaining information. My father also had a particular love for history, and after he was murdered I obtained all of his studies. He found huge missing pieces to history. Missing pieces that once they were found, filled in a hole in history. I aspired to continue his studies. He died after only four years in business. My mother feared for me leaving to follow the path I've chosen, but I promised her history will not repeat itself. I will not let my passion kill me. So at the age of 26 I decided to leave the comfort of my home in Barjols France, and begin the hunt. The hunt for history.

It was a cold evening. It was so quiet you could hear every leaf crunching underneath my feet.I was now 33. It was the begining of my 5th mission. A mission to find any clues to Anne Bonny an Irish pirate. She was one of the best pirates in history. I have always been allured by pirate tales ever since I was little. From what I've learned on my own leads, is she was recruited to help in a master plan Henry Avery had. Even hearing of his name sends shivers down my spine. During his campaign, he founded and built Libertalia. Avery recruited the best engineers and architects of his time to make his pirate utopia dream into a reality and aid him as he built extensive tests to ensure that those who follow him and his founders would only be of the most worthy, sending crosses that contained maps to such tests to other pirates, resulting in many lives lost attempting to accomplish these challenges. I had anything but disinterest in this topic. So I was here in Scotland, most likely sent on a wild goose chase to find any clues to where she could have gone to aid Henry Avery still completely unaware of what Avery was planning. What was he hiding? What was he trying to protect? Why did he have to recruit so many Pirates with his big plan? There had to have been a greater reason then I could ponder. My plane ride to Scotland was anything but gentle. And I will tell you the cold air biting my skin was better than anything else especially in the quiet I thought to myself. But I spoke too soon and that moment was over. Sounds of gunshots in the distance rang in my ear. I had trained myself to protect myself in many ways other than gunfire, but I quickly removed my pistol and prepared for anything that could come my way. Still keeping on track from where my map was, I held my gun in my hand shakily. As I turned the corner of an old broken-down building, I spotted a large truck with the name " Shoreline " written on the side. I had only seen that name in a newspaper article on big troops dominating the South. I quickly moved away from the truck and went in a shortcut to where I felt I needed to be to avoid any conflict. The gunfire quickly stopped. I put my gun back, but I kept my guard. I quickly approached a graveyard. No this couldn't be all right why would I have been led to a graveyard? Even though I didn't know Avery's intentions, I knew he couldn't have died as easily as history told. So why was I being sent to a cemetery? I looked around for what seemed like hours before I stumbled over a large entrance in the ground next to an enhancing grave.

"How did I not notice this?"I asked myself.

The sigil on the grave looked familiar and I pulled out my notebook. It's Henry Avery's. Behind the grave was an opening. I looked down the entrance, and cautiously went to step down when I had a gun put to my head. My whole body froze as my heart pounded as if I was running for hundreds of miles without stop.

"Now who is this?" Asked a satiny masculine voice.

I could hear my own breathing hitch. I didn't know what to do so I slowly put my hands up, and stayed quiet.

"Stubborn are we?" The same voice rang.

He quickly lowered his gun and as if he knew I would run, he fastened his arm around my waist and put his gun to the side of my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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