the killing part 1

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I have ideas again yay.

........................................................................................................................................................................................That was it I couldn't hold it in any more I screamed I CANT  BELIEVE YOU I CHOSE HER I LOVE HER  AND YOU CANT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT AND WEREN'T YOU JUST KISSING HER A MINUTE AGO?? and that's when he says. Dear Maxon I was trying to kill her like I did to your mother but she kissed me because she didn't want to see your face when I shot her so she kissed me in the hopes that you would go back into your room, then Celeste kissed you to show you she loves you and you should pick her, I know you want an answer for why your dear America held a gun to you head and she just wanted you to leave and she only knew one way to make you that was feel betrayed all I need you to do is kill her, and kill her now. You know how just get that gun and shoot her like I did to your dear old mother. All I could think was no I won't I love her then I realized I had said that out loud and what he says next is very different he says to love is to destroy and to be the one loved is to be the one destroyed so dear Maxon shoot her and you can fix this. You have already destroyed her so end her life fix this. I know you can don't waste your life with love choose a princess that can rule not one that you love, choose Celeste and kill this monster of a girl it's not hard and to prove that I killed your dear mother but of course I don't love her, so I am not destroyed now fix this and kill this monster of a girl she does not deserve to live for she has destroyed my son. 

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