{Chapter Two}

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A few days went by as I lived with Severus, I enjoyed living here. He was kind, strict, but kind. He allowed me to write to my friends, mainly the Weasley boys. I told Tiger, my owl. To send a letter to Harry, owls are smart creatures so I figured he could find Harry which he did. I wrote to Harry at Night, so his aunt and uncle did not realize he already made a friend. Ron wrote constantly as much as we could that is. Today I'll be going with Severus to stay at the Weasleys, for the rest of the month. I can't say I'm not exicted, I'm extremely excited to see my friends. I know Ron and the twins mentioned their other siblings. I know I'll meet Ginny and Percy this year. While I would have to wait awhile to meet Bill and Charlie. Severus walked into my room, which now is decorated mainly red and gold, the walls had posters of quidditch teams that I've started to enjoy watching, along with some posters of houses from Hogwarts. I had one for Slytherin, just to please Severus but the rest where Gryffindor posters. I had a few pictures thanks to Dumbledore for getting me a camera, the only pictures I have so far of me and Severus. Though he barely had a smile in any of them. He did smile in my eleventh birthday picture it was just us, Molly took it for us demanded for him to smile. Another is of the twins, Ron and i. Fred and George where standing behind Ron and i, while Ron had me on his shoulders the four of us doing a silly pose while waving to the camera laughing.

"Have you packed your things?" Severus curiously asked.

Looking up at my father. I grew a smile pulling my trunk from under my bed.

"Yes, father I have my things ready." I happily said.

"Good, will head to the Weasleys shortly. Before we leave, you better pack anything you may have forgotten." Severus calmly spoke.

Nodding my head, I walked around my room. I placed my two favorite photos in my trunk, along with my camera, than I placed a few extra books for me to read, along with Rons jacket. Lastly I grabbed a silver chain necklace attached to the necklace was a snake with an emerald green eye. Clipping it around my neck. Closing my trunk, I dragged it down the stairs. Severus pointed his wand at my trunk making it disappear as he grabbed my hand. We aspperated to the Weasleys home arriving in front of the door saying bye to my dad he left as quickly as he came, Molly opened the door quickly smiling as the twins and Ron tackled me into a hug as they all laughed including me. Making our way to Rons room, the twins went on and on about the pranks they'll pull once they make it to Hogwarts, I was more interested in making friends, along with Ron. Ron and i talked about the adventures we would try and go on while where at Hogwarts.

A few days went by very quickly. The Weasleys and myself where rushing towards platforms 9 3/4. Percy went first than the twins where about to go when a familiar ravenette hair boy walked over.

"How do I that?" Harry asked Molly nervously.

Molly smiled sweetly.

"It's Rons and Ashleys first year as well." Molly happily said.

I waved at Harry smiling happily, while Harry gave me a nervous smile. Harry ran through the barrier followed by Ron and I. Once we got on the platform, my attention was staring at the Hogwarts express. Molly was wiping the dirt off the edge of Ron's nose. Making his face a light pink making his freckles noticeable. Ron and i jumped on the train waving bye to his mother. Looking at the compartments trying to find one, that wasn't that crowded. When we got the back we saw Harry sitting alone.

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