{Chapter One}

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It was a calm summers evening, I was wandering a little bit past my village. My curiousity getting the best of me. That and I wanted to get away from my family. Away from the pain, away from those who treat me cruelly. Their where voices near me, my gaze turning towards three ginger hair boys, who seemed to be talking in hush voices. Rolling my hazel Brown eyes, I decided to look around my surroundings. My gaze rested on the large house, their was a small barn like garage near it, chickens seemed to be roaming around as well.

"Um? Hello?" A lanky ginger haired boy spoke quietly.

Turning around, I stared up at the taller boy, he was about three inches taller maybe more. Behind him where two ginger haired twins. Both giving each other worried glances.

"Hello." I responded a bit to coldly.

The ginger boys seemed to get worried as they kept glancing at each other.

"Who lives in that house? It's pretty large. Don't you agree?" I calmly asked my gaze turning back towards the house.

"It's just an ordinary two story. Right George?" One of the twins spoke.

"Of course Fred." George spoke quickly.

"Doesn't look like a two story." I muttered.

"Wait? You don't see a two story?" Ron questioned looking at the twins.

"No am I supposed to?" I hissed, before calming myself. Giving the boys an apologetic look.

"Well, if your a muggle yeah." Fred muttered.

"A what?" I questioned.

The three boys seemed to panic till a plumb ginger lady came walking over.

"Hello dearie. Are you lost?" The lady kindly spoke.

"No ma'am. I was curious about this house it's pretty large, I've never seen a large home like this before." I kindly spoke.

The woman raised an eyebrow before glancing at her sons.

"What's your name dearie?" The woman quietly asked.

"Ashley, Ashley Kingston ma'am." I introduced polietly.

"I'm Molly dear, it's a pleasure to meet you. These are three of my boys the twins are Fred and George, and that young boy is Ron. My youngest son." Molly happily said.

"Pleasure to meet you all." I happily said.

"Did you break your nose recently?" The twins curiously asked.

Glaring slightly I cleared my throat.

"My mum and half brother say I have my father's nose and that I'm a monster like him." I spat.

The twins glanced at each other quietly. Molly smiled kindly looking at me.

"Why don't you come in for lunch?" Molly asked.

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