"Mr. Surya thank you a lot I don't know how to thank you" Mirza said "No need Sukanya is not just a friend for me and helping her family is my responsibility, so please don't say that" he replied when Mirza nodded with a smile, 'Is not just a friend for me' this words ranged in her ears that made her blush hardly "That's fine we are done, but we need another bag after four hours so try to drink fresh juices and eat healthy food so we can take from you another bag till the hospital blood bags arrive tomorrow" the nurse said and he nodded then she gave the bag of blood to another nurse who went running from there, Mirza also went out "Thank you so much!!" Sukanya said "No need Suk..." his phone ranged "Sorry!!" he excused himself and answered "Hello love... yea I'm fine how about you????..... Ok will talk later bye love you" and he closed the call, Sukanya heart burned hearing the word 'love' and thought 'Very good one minute for my side and other for that bi**h', he turned to her "Let's go!!" she nodded sadly.

Jodha was sitting in one of the corners while her eyes were stuck on the operation room door waiting for anyone to come out, her mind wasn't functioning only on her moments with Jalal...

One of the flash back....

"Who is he???" Jalal asked angrily "It's none of your business Mr. Mohammad" She replied and turned to leave when he hold her and turned her harshly and yelled "I SAID WHO IS HE??? ANSWER ME AND WHY THE H**L HE BROUGHT YOU FLOWERS AND NOT ANY FLOWERS RED ONES" he yelled at her while pinning her into the wall, "leave me you are hurting me.... Jalal leave me", "ANSWER WHO IS HE???" he held her even harder, "AND WHY THE H**L YOU CARE???? IT'S MY LIFE" she already yelled, "AND YOU ARE MY WIFE", "BUT YOU NEVER COUNT ME AS A WIFE BESIDE YOU SAID THAT YOU HATE ME AND WANT TO LIVE YOUR LIFE AND YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ME THEN WHAT CHANGED NOW???" she asked trying to free herself from him, "BECAUSE I...", "YOU WHAT??? FOR GOD SAKE YOU WHAT???" she yelled "BECAUSE I... I LOVE YOU.... YES I LOVE YOU JODHA, I LOVE YOU I IGNORED MY FELLING MANY TIMES BUT THAT IS THE TRUTH THAT I LOVE YOU" he took a breath then said "yes I do I love you" he left her hands, she was hell shocked her eyes moist she couldn't believe what she heard she was dreaming of that day many times before, he turned and said "Yes you heard it right that is the truth Jodha, I really love you and I care for you, I know I said I don't but I really do when you are away I feel my breath is getting away from me and when you are near I feel I'm in heaven, when I see tears on your eyes I feel I got stabbed on the middle of my heart and when you smile I feel I'm on the seventh cloud, when you ignore me I feel I'm dying and when you talk to me I get back my life, yea this is the truth that I was afraid from, the truth is I really love you and please don't ask me when or how just I love you!!" he then turned to go when he got the biggest shock of his life she hugged him from back he got stunned with her reaction "I... I love you too Jalal yes I love you much... much more Jalal very much more" he smiled while few tears escaped his eyes then turned and looked at her eyes then kissed her passionately.

***Flashback ends***

'Jalal!! Please be save!! Please!! I...I can't live without you please Jalal!!' she begged while tears again started to role in her eyes.

The time wasn't passing six hours passed but for them it was hundred years specially Jodha who was still sitting beside the door waiting for it to open, "Jodha!! Drink water it's been six hours and you still didn't have anything you are pregnant please have at least water" Shivani tried "I said I don't want" she replied not taking her eyes from the door, Mirza took the water from Shivani and came sat next Jodha and said "Jodha!! I know that you are so sad and we all are but trust me when Jalal will wake up and know that you didn't even drink water he will be so mad so have this or I swear I will tell him when he will wake up" she turned at Mirza and said "He will be fine right???", Mirza nodded while forcing a smile "Then why the operation still didn't finish???", "Because my brother want to see your love to him that why??? He want to make you miss him a little bit" she smiled in the middle of her tears "Now have this so he will stop that act and the operation ends" she nodded and drank the water, when suddenly the door opens "See I told you!!" Mirza said when everyone jumped to the doctor who came out "Don't worry!! The operation went so good now we need just to wait till he wakes up he might take a lot of time as the operation was in the brain but he will be fine", "Thank God!!" Hamida said "Btw who is Jodha here???" the doctor asked "Me?!" Jodha replied being confused, the doctor smiled at her then said "I can just say he loves you a lot he murmured your name many times in the operation, that all of us memorized it by heart" Jodha blushed hearing that "Now excuse me!!" the doctor said and went from there "Thank God!!" Jodha said, "See Jodha I told you he will be fine, and he want to see your love" Mirza said and she nodded with a smile.

Jodha Akbar: NEW ONE [#Wattys2018]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя