Reilly glanced at her watch for the millionth time in the past half hour. "5 more mintues guys!!!" she yelled.

The girls decided they should probably head to their seats, although they preferred to be as far away from the McSnobs as possible. However, they had avoided them as long as possible, and when the lights started to dim, they ran to their seats.

"Oh my god!" "I can't believe this is happening!" "We're finally here!" "We get to see HCR!" "I hope they play Forever Unstoppable!" "I hope we get to rap!" "AHHHHH!!!"

The girls continued their fangirling, well aware of the death glares shot back by the McSnobs. They were still fangirling when the stage lights started flashing a variety of purples and blues. The fangirling quickly turned into a jumbled mess of screams and "I LOVE YOUUUUUU" 's as Ryan ran out on stage.

"WHO'S READY TO MAKE SOME NOISEEEEE?!!" he shouted as Nash, Ian, and Jamie ran out and took their respective places on stage. The room was on their feet (minues the McSnobs) and screaming their heads off (almost literally), but no one was as excited as the 4 friends.

"Whatever" started booming through the speakers as Ryan pranced around the stage. The girls were directly in front of him, only two rows back, and screamed every time he danced past them. Danielle was on the left end of the four friends, closer to Nash's side of the stage. Although she was enthralled by Ryan's epic dance skills, she couldn't help but stare at Nash's biceps as he rocked out on his seafoam green guitar.

The lyrics to the song began, and the crowd sang along (with the exception of the McSnobs. I think it's safe to assume the McSnobs did not participate in any of the concert festivities).

Ryan's beautiful voice projected out over the crowd.

"I woke up late, again, gonna get fired for sure this time, so I'll hit, the snooze, and sleep till it's 4 in the afternoon!"

Danielle continued to stare at Nash as he harmonized to the song.

"The state, I'm in, is bound to land me in the loony bin, and I don't-"

At this point, Nash's eyes met Danielle's. He suddenly stopped singing and hit a few wrong notes on his guitar. Ryan glanced over at him nervously, but continued on as if nothing had happened. But Nash was entranced by this beautiful girl, and she was entranced by him. Reilly saw this connection and punched Danielle playfully saying "Ooooooooh". This brought Danielle out of the trance, causing her to look down shyly. When she glanced back up, Nash was still staring, but thankfully, he had regained his grip on the song. He winked at Danielle and mouthed "call me", then continued scanning the crowd, giving everyother fan the attention they so longingly desired.


Thoughts were whirling through Nash's mind. Never had he ever felt like this before. He had never forgotten the lyrics to a song, and most certainly had never stopped singing on stage all together. But this girl had caught his attention and flooded his brain with nothing but admiration.

"Get a grip!" Nash scolded himself as this beautiful girl looked away shyly. He noticed the nervous glance Ryan had given him, and snapped out of this childish "love at first sight" feeling he was experiencing. He had a show to put on, but he wouldn't forget this girl. He was about to look away when she glanced back up. He smiled, winked, and mouthed "call me", then stared out at the rest of the crowd like he was supposed.

Although he stayed on track with the rest of the song, his mind was going nuts.

"Did I really just say 'call me' to a girl that doesn't have my number? You're an idiot Nash," he thought to himself as he sang "hey, hey, life ain't fair! Three in the air if you just don't care!"

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