Chapter 3

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"Time for warm ups!" shouted Ian to Nash out the tour bus door. Nash grunted as he struggled to his feet. He had this strange feeling that someone was watching him, so he slowly spun 360 degrees. All he saw was a the tour bus, an ugly arrangment of pine trees, a bathroom, and some bushes. He thought he saw someone turn the corner a couple hundred yards away, but decided that he was probably seeing things, and brushed it off.

He grabbed his guitar and sprinted to the tour bus. Ryan and Ian, led by Jamie (yes Jamie) warmed up their vocals. This was a pre-warm-up ritual that would make quite the entertaining film short, had they allowed anyone to witness it. Jamie stood on the couch jumping up and down singing obnxiously


Ryan, Ian, and Nash, as in most pre-warm-up warm-ups, played along to Jamie's energizing performance. With Jamie as the air-guitarist and vocalist, Ryan assumed the new role of bass guitar. He jumped on the chair and epically played the crap out of his air bass guitar. With his role taken by Ryan, Ian became the air lead guitarist. He slid across the tile floor playing the air guitar like it was the last air guitar he would ever play. Last, but definitely not least, Nash began to play the air drums. He took it a little farther than actual air drums and instead started beating the table with the palms of his hands. Together they all joined in the next chorus, purposely harmonizing horribly.

"NO TIME FOR LOSERS CUZ WE ARE THE CHAMPIONSSSSSS-" Ryan, Ian, and Nash held this note out while Jamie finished with (in a very high pitched voice, if I may add):

"OF THE WORLDDDDDDDDDDDD". And then, as they had rehearsed many a time before, they all simultaneously stopped and dropped their heads, as if showing they were done with the song, which thank the heavens, they were.

Nash snuck a peak at the other guys to see if any of them had dared to break character, and when he saw the rest of them had done the same, they all fell on the floor, rolling with laughter. This was how the pre-warm-up warm-ups usually went.

"Alright kids. Time to get serious," scolded Jamie in his 40-year-old professor voice.

"Yes sir!" mocked Ian with a saluted hand gesture.

Still in his professor voice, Jamie instructed "Ryan! Start with the vocal ladder," to which Ryan complied.

"Nash, do Do Re Mi," to which he also complied.

"Ian, sing All of Me by John Legend." Ian gave Jamie a weird look, to which Jamie responded with "What? I love that song. And you have a pretty angel voice."

Ian finally gave in and started singing the ballad.

Jamie listened intently to the rounds of vocal delight while lightly tapping out rhythms with his hands on his pant legs. After a few minutes, they all stopped and gathered in a circle. This was a common ritual, one of more sophistication and taste. Before every performance, the tightly knitted group formed a circle to pray. They prayed for not only their performance, but also for the fans. They prayed for each other and for everyone's health and safety. When they finished, they all went their separate ways to finish getting ready for the show.

Nash stood still for a minute continuing his prayer. He prayed that he would find his dream girl, like Jamie had found his in Vanessa; like Ian had found his in Maggie; and like Ryan had found his in Morgan. He prayed that he would find her soon, because he didn't want to live any more of his life without her.

And with that, he headed to the bathroom to fix his hair.

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