Always here

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"How nice to see you!"
As I walked into the house, devons mother  pulls me into a hug. At the corner of my eye, Devon is on the stairs, pulling the grin that makes me blush. I immediately looked away.

Not in front of the mom, no way..
"Devon has got some math problems, please help him" she pleaded.
As I began my way towards the stairs, his mother then adds her final word,

"Dinner is 6:15!"
The only thing that was needed to get done was his papers. It was a tackle for him to know what write about, and what to fix. He seriously wanted to quit.He handed me his paper,and sat back at his chair, gazing at me.He was improving, but Still a shocker. The silly mistakes he made, made me laugh hard.
"what are you giggling about?" He snickered, looking over my shoulder.
I showed him the mindless mistakes. He groaned and fixed it again.

"you still got most of them right!"

I said, handing him back his papers. Still giggling. Why does everything make me laugh.
I took a look at my phone. It was 5:35.
I got up and got my bag,
"I'll leave now "
Devon grabs my arms gently.
He wanted to say something.

"Stay for dinner,please"

"But dinner isn't until 6:15"

Devon took a deep breath, he looked a bit guilty about something.

"I know but,don't you wanna stay?"

He wanted to hang out, I knew it. I already told my mother I was coming late, so technically, it wasn't lying.

We both sat down on the floor, against the bed frame. I could hear his brother zach and manny, fighting.

"Do they ever get along?" I laughed off.

"None of us do" he corrected. He placed his hand upon mine, and I began to ask him something,

"So how's the Heather chasing?"

Devon knew how embarrassing Heather Hills Party was. He made a complete fool of himself, but the best part was heathers "reputation" being ruined.

"You did a better cover though, Bieber is shook"
I tried cheering him. He laughed at my comment.

"I should have listened to you" he murmured, as if he was guilty.
" I haven't thought about her since senior year"
"I'm pretty sure if someone liked you, they wouldn't treat you like such, am I right?" I sneered, trying my best  not to laugh about the past.
"Also a girl playing "hard to get"? If she really had a interest in you, she would have shown you a sign, not run over your foot"
I tried my give him a hint. But he just sulked.
The room was filled with  awkward silence, I could sense the spices being from the kitchen,and his brothers no longer fighting. I gained the confidence to ask him something, but his next statement cut me off.

"I did liked someone else"

Those words made me feel anxious. who was this other person? I had to ask him.


Devons hand was still gripped onto mine. He took a deep breath, and looked up at me. I would bawled my eyes out, if it was me. But no way it was.

"Do you really think she would like me? Someone like her? With me? I think she friend zoned me"
My mind screamed out.
I doubt he's talking about me. I'm not his type. A damn nerd with a bad boy? Not a good combo.

"If only I could tell her" 
Devon moped, his hand grips mine harder.
His hands move up,sliding from my arms, to both sides of my face. I closed my eyes, he pulled me, and I felted both of our lips colliding.I feel relief and sensation. I no longer had the butterflies.One of his hands moved onto the side of my thigh, placing me on his lap. I felt warm.
We pulled apart, and I looked at his gleaming eyes.

"Why me? I-"

He cut me off.
"Because I was stupid enough not the see that you were the one for me."

"thats why you chased after other girls, thinking you might have a chance with them?"

Devon's face was dropped with guilt.
I think I made him sad again.his face gleamed as I finally let out the thought in me.
"that's how I felt about you too"

He tugged the sleeves of my shirt, and pushed me against the sheets of his bed. I felt him biting near on my collarbone. I let out a soft moan, as he began to suck my sweet spot.
His hands started sliding under my top, but then a voice both startled us.

"DiNnErS ReADy!"

"Oh shit" Devon cursed. He ran towards the stairs, as his mother was about to come up.
"Oh dinner! I can't wait!" He acted out.

I don't think I was even ready to go father than this.  before he left, he pointed at my neck.

Oh boy, the hickeys. There was one that stood out the most. The make up should cover it up.
God bless the makeup.

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