Mr. Braces and Ms. Lovely (ONE-SHOT/COMPLETE)

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"Hey, Michelle, wanna get a bite later?" A boy with brown/black hair asked, leaning against the fence, trying to get closer to the girl sitting on the bleachers on the other side of the fence. "Maybe you could help me with my homework or something." He winked suggestively.

Said girl looked up from her book and looked at the boy. There was a slight glimmer in her eyes before she flashed him a toothless smile. She pointed at something behind the boy causing him to look back. He paled when he did.

Looming dangerously over him was the 5'8" tall Jigs Mendoza, a soccer ball tucked between his hip and arm.

"H-Hey, Jigs."

The boy only received a grunt* from the soccer player.

Jigs looked up at Michelle's smiling face. "Coach extended practice for one more hour."

"I can wait." Michelle replied.

 Jigs looked back at the boy. "Why are you still here?" He asked monotonously, but with a hint of spite.

"R-Right. I-I was just g-going." And he ran off, stumbling in the process.

Michelle watched as the boy sped away, a slight smile on her face. She turned back to Jigs. "Oh my knight in shining braces." She laughed.

Jigs could only roll his eyes as he unconsciously ran his tongue over his wire covered teeth. Ever since two weeks ago when his parents paid some freak-o who dared call himself a dentist to fence his teeth, his not-girlfriend, Michelle, never stopped the name calling.

He had pink O-rings for this month.

"Go on and practice, you metal faced striker." She laughed again.

Jigs rolled his eyes again. Making his way towards his team, but not before giving Michelle a little threat. "Yeah, and when a ball comes whizzing towards you I'll laugh my ass off."

But then Michelle was the better one at insults.

"Grow an ass first." She laughed again.






"Are you sure you want to eat that broccoli?"

"Yes, Michelle, I need to build up on all the protein for our game."

Michelle made a face. "Then only eat the meat, the broccoli might get stuck between your braces."

Jigs rolled his eyes. "Protein only isn't good, you need balance."

Slowly, Michelle nodded. "…Right."

Minutes later Jigs wanted to smack Michelle upside in the head along with that mischievous little smile on her cute little impish face. His face was set in a frown as he used his tongue to take out the little bits of broccoli that had wedged themselves between his braces.

"Mm-hmm…" Michelle hummed.

"Shut up." Jigs grunted.

Michelle shook her head playfully and reached into her satchel. She pulled out a mirror and a toothpick that had a bow of floss on the other end. She handed it to Jigs who took it rashly.

"Thanks…" The braced boy muttered as he started to clean his braces.

"Stubbornly clinging to one's opinion is the best proof of stupidity." Michelle said, quoting some French philosopher that Jigs could not give a damn about.

Mr. Braces and Ms. Lovely (ONE-SHOT/COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now