Chapter 9

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Chloe pov

I wake up next to Louis with a smile on his face. "Why are you smiling?" I ask. "You're so beautiful when you sleep." He replies as he gets up for a shower. I get up to wash my face as I don't want to wait and have a shower. I brush my hair and put on clothes appropriately -spongebob pajamas.

"You do realize you're coming to the interview as well right?" Kelly asks me as I walk downstairs. I run back up and get on some jeans, a tshirt, converse and a emoji phone case instead of spongebob pajamas and embarrassing myself and the others. "Ready." I say as we enter the car. We get McDonalds on the way there and eat in the car.

When we get there, there are already tons of fans outside. "Try to keep your heads down!" Harry says before the door opens and we are led inside.

"Why are they there?" "Who are they?" "Go die! Niall and Louis deserve better!" Hate was thrown at us. I brushed it off for now even though it's true- about me.

Once we all got in, the boys had to wear different clothes and also had to get makeup put on! Ha! "Lou?" Liam asks. "Yes?" Louis and the stylist answer. "Not you Louis. Lou, why do we need this?" "Because I was told to have it be put on you now shut up and let me finish!" She exclaims.

Kelly and I laugh and earn glares from our boys. "I really hope we don't have to go on stage." Kelly says. "I doubt we will. Cmon, when was it that we were known as their girlfriends?" "True." She says.

"Well, well, well. Louis and Niall's girlfriends. I'm Lou Incase you haven't figured that out yet." "Chloe and this is Kelly." I say. We talk until we get bored and decide to watch the interview.

"So, correct me if I'm wrong, but Louis, you and Niall have been seen to have girlfriends right?" The interviewer asked. Niall and Louis nod. "Are they here?" She asks. Liam nods. Soon enough, Kelly and I were led out on the stage. I sit next to Louis and Kelly by Niall.

"What are your names?" She asks like she is jealous. "This is Chloe and Kelly." Liam says pointing at us. I smile. Kelly just has pure shock on her face.

"How long have you known One Direction?" She asks. "I'd say close to three months I think?" I say. She nods. "Who is single and who isn't?" She asks. "Single." Liam. "Taken." Zayn. "Single." Harry. "Taken." Louis. "Taken." Niall. "3/5 taken!" When did Zayn get a girlfriend?

"Zayn? Who is she and how long have you been together?" She asks (who I learned is Amanda). "Perrie Edwards from Little Mix, and going on three months." We all look at Zayn. "Let me guess you never told them eh?" Amanda asks. Zayn shakes his head. "Well that's all for today! Join us tomorrow for a little bit of more celebrity gossip!" Amanda says.

We all get off the couch and walk backstage. Lou gave me and Kelly her number so we could keep contact. "I'm hungry!" Niall whined. "When aren't you?" I mumbled. "You're the same!" Kelly said. "True true. McDonald's?" I ask. They laugh but agree.

When we get there, I get us a table along with Kelly. Her and I sit down while we wait for the boys, who decided they were going to pay and all. "Are you Kelly Hart and Chloe Lynn?" A little girl about the age of seven asks.

"Yeah, what can we do for ya?" I say smiling softly at her. "Can you sign this please?" "Of course! Kelly come sign this!" I say. She does and send a quick text to the boys. Like thirty seconds later all the boys come. "Do you want pictures with them?" Kelly asks. She nods and her mum comes and takes a few pics of us. The boys signs a paper and she and her mum leave and we eat.

"I'm gonna get you back!" Niall yells to Louis. "Lou? What did you do?" "Haha that rhymed! But I just took his pizza pjs away." "Louis! How would you like it if I took your carrots away?" Niall says. "No! Not the carrots!" "STOP ARGUING!" Liam and I yelled at the same time. We looked at eachother. "My parents should be here in about a half hour." Liam says and walked away.

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