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This was it. 

They had been talking online for a while, 

And now was the time. 
They were so nervous. 

They had been waiting for this moment for a while, as they had slowly fallen in love with her. 

They only knew each other by their online alias, but that didn't matter. Today was the day. 
They looked around the park they decided to meet up at, and saw someone. A girl, looking about 20, was holding up a small sign. 'GlitterGunner', it read. 'Well, here goes nothing', They thought. 

Slowly, the short 18-year-old walked up to the obviously older girl. While it took a bit, the other girl finally noticed. 

"Oh! Hello! Are you GlitterGunner on Discord?", The other girl asks cheerfully. 

The young genderless adult nodded. "I-I am. So... You're Darkesia?", They asked quietly. 

Darkesia nodded enthusiastically. "Indeed I am! Are you ready for our day of fun?"

They ended up nodding, which made Darkesia jump with glee. 

"Come on! Let's go on a walk first!", Darkesia exclaimed, grabbing the hand of the 18-year-old. Luckily for GlitterGunner, Darkesia didn't notice their face blushing. 
After a walk around the park, a boat ride, playing some carnival games, and getting ice cream, they were walking back to the park; which was where their cars were. Glitter had warmed up to Darkesia, talking and skipping around with a big grin on their face. 

Finally, they had made it to the park. Their talking ceased, and walking stopped, as they turned to each other,  holding hands. After a bit, Darkesia blushed a little, and finally said, "I had a great time tonight."

"Y-Y-Yeah! Yeah! I did too!", Glitter responded, smiling a lot. "Especially hearing about your dogs. They are almost as crazy as mine!", They exclaimed. Both of them laugh a bit, filling the awkward empty silence; but after a bit, they were back to the silence. 

"Uh... Hey Glitter?", Darkesia asked. 


"I... I really had fun tonight. I should have done this before, but I'm Oakley. Uh, here...", Darkesia, now known as Oakley, reaches into her back pocket and pulls out a slip of paper, handing it to Glitter. It had a phone number on it, with the words 'Call Me! -Oakley' under it. "Would... Would you like to go on a date with me?", Oakley finished. 

Glitter blushed immensely. "N-no..."

Oakley's face fell. "N-No...?"

Glitter nodded. "No... Cause I would love to. I'm Devin.", Glitter, now known as Devin, said smoothly.

Oakley was quite impressed, grinning. "Heh. I got scared for a moment there. I'll text you when I get home, yes?", She asks. 

Devin nods. "I'll see you then. Also...", They suddenly go on their tiptoes and kiss her cheek, a bit quickly saying, "I-I love you!"

Oakley was shocked for a moment, but then smiled and said, "I love you too."

Devin grins, and runs off, calling a goodbye. They didn't want Oakley to see their blush. 

Oakley smiled, and watched them run off. She turns to her phone, types a couple of things, and hits send. 

From Devin's truck, they see the message on their phone, which read: 'Heh. You look adorable while blushing. Goodnight Devin ❤'. They blush, and drive home, having sweet dreams instead of the nightmares. 

El fin.... For now
A/N- Thank you so much Matizmo for making the cover! You're the best!

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