The Gotham Subway

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"That will be 59 Cents" says a tall buff man to Gerin as they remain stopped on the Gotham subway station. Gerin groans as he pulls out his billfold from his pocket and hands the man $8.

"Keep the change" he says groggily walking out from the subway station. As he exits the station, he is immediately bombarded with a bunch of 90s Neo Punk kids jamming out to "Intergalactic" By the Beastie Boys.

"Wassup! Nerd!" One says to Gerin, followed by laughter from other kids in the group.

"The East End" Gerin says to himself, now a decent distance away from the kids. He looks around at his surroundings and takes in the scene.Run down buildings and syringes are lining the sidewalk. In the distance he can hear the barking of dogs and the yelling of the teens and the young adults, as well as gunshots followed by police sirens. A very penurious area it would seem to be. Not knowing much about gotham, Gerin decides to take his business to the U.S. Reserve. Gerin thought that with a new identity, he could rejoin the service. Then, he and his wife (whom resided in gotham inside the La Raveno Apartment complex) could live rich and wealthy.

A new life for the both of them.

After Meandering around the east end for a good fifteen minutes. He see's a man with a classic 70's Pimp look to him, with the purple feathered hat and the very similarly colored fur coat, complete with the walking cane and all.

"Classic Pimp" Gerin laughs to himself as he see's the man, Curious, he approaches him.

"...and so I told him, I said,'Jim, it's not that you can't see...You don't have eyes!" The Purple dude and his fellow accomplices seemingly die of laughter. Eventually, though, they seem to catch eye of Gerin.

"Oi, You! You with the face!" The purple dude exclaims, "You looking for something? I got everything man; I got some juice, some firepower, anything you need brotha." He says to Gerin. "The name is Slimmy, Slimmy Jimmy".

"Hello, I am Gerin Dixon. You run this part of town I presume?" Gerins asked as he notices the Graffiti markings along with the run down, beat up cars, dumpster fires, and dingy mattresses in the street.

"Y'know it brotha, the one and only" Jimmy says. "You lookin' for work or are you dumb enough to try and stop me from conducting my business?"

"Actually, I'm looking for the work," Gerin replies, excited at the chance to make some serious money. "How did you know I'd come to YOU for that?"

"Everyone knows everyone here in gotham, you're new and you want money, I can help you with that" Slimmy says with a serious, yet malevolent look in his eyes. He looks Gerin in his eyes, still with purity for him to dilute.

"What have you got to offer?" Gerin replies not perceiving the full gravity of what situations he is about to get himself into.

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