Text 13

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Syo: Thank you again

Ai: No problem, Syo

Syo: I feel bad for what I did.

Ai: Syo

Syo: Yepp?

Ai: It's in the past now. Let's just forget about it.

Syo: I will

Syo: Anyway, up to something this weekend?

Ai: No

Syo: Do you have extra place for a guest to come over?

Ai: Yes. Why?

Syo: Can I sleep over at your place this weekend?

Syo: My parents threw me out because they + Kaoru are going out of the town this weekend and they don't trust me.

Ai: Why?

Syo: Because they think I will throw a party or two while they are gone.

Ai: Oh

Syo: Can I?

Ai: Yes

Syo: Oh my!!! Thank you so much!!!

Ai: No problem

Syo: Thank you !!! You're the best!! I love you!!!

Ai: What?

Syo: (...)

Syo: #NoHomo

Ai: Ok

Syo: Hahaha

Ai: What?

Syo: You know the guys are trying to set us up?

Ai: (...)
Syo. It's so obvious that they are trying.

Ai: Even the teachers know that

Syo: Yeeeeeeep

Syo: You know...

Ai: Hm?

Syo: It would be fun if we fake dated and see their reactions XD XD

Ai: Well...

Ai: (...)
That's true

Syo: Shall we?

Ai: (...)

Syo: Why not?

Ai: Because I don't want to

Syo: Well, it's not like we have feelings for each others either.

Ai: (...)
Well, that's true

Ai: But I don't want to. Ok?

Syo: Sure, it's ok XD

Ai: Thanks :)

Syo: No problem

Syo: See you tomorrow

Ai: Sure, bye

Syo: Byeee~

Syo: Ai? Do you have a crush on me?
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Hola peeps! Thank you for reading my story, for all the votes I get and the comments too. It keeps me motivated to write this story, and make my day x10 times better. THAAAANK YOUUUU!  :3
If there's some sentence that isn't understandable, some OOC'ness, typos or just some parts that are unclear; pretty please comment or just PM me. I don't get mad nor I bite. Instead, you're only helping me to improve my story and my English-skills.
I love you all guys! :D  Thank you again and see you soon and Text 14 will come either today or tomorrow :3

Text me! (Syo x Ai fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now