"When life gives you lemons, make lemon scenes."

(Damn 4th Wall insurance is friggin great.)

"And here is something. I'll be baking a pie tonight."

"You are killing me." You sighed. Your mouth is watering from the thoughts. "Ugh. I said I'll do my best. I'm going to try to get myself together for a good day. I won't stop for lunch either. I packed a bag."

"Gimme a kiss." You give her a peck. "Have a good day Dear."

"Will try."

And with that a long hug it's time to warm up the car and drive to boss number one. The Snow Preistess. With Sunday being her half day she could easily have a large stack of papers on her desk. You didn't have to drive like a certain man named Bond but made it to work on time with plenty to spare.

You enter the church and walk straight to the desk she's sitting in. You bow. "Good morning my lady."

"Why hello (FN). How are you?"

"Kids off the school doing good. Mizore seems happy. Cannot complain. But enough about me madam. How can I serve you today?"

"Well I know it's only two weeks into the school year but we have three of our people traveling to go to school at Yokai Academy. My task is for you to see how they're are doing date wise."

This was confusing to any average person or monster. But with the fertility on the genetics stopping by mid 20s to her this was an important step. "So what happens of a guy hooks up with a Sorcerer of fire?"

"If that baby is here and controlled?"

"I get that point. So my mission is to see how they are doing?"

"At the moment. Urrrrr.... Just precautions."

"Anything wrong?" That just raised an eyebrow or two.

"How old are the kids?"


"And when did this madness stop?"

"With your land? Before our honeymoon. About five and half, six."

"How much trouble has it been since?"

"Minimum. Petty crime. I mean you have police to do that stuff. You think something is coming back?"

"My bones aren't wrong."

Riiiiiiiiiight. "I'll do some digging. Might have my wife help me a bit to go double duty. She was actually talking about this last night."

"Mrs. Shirayuki loves this kind of deal doesn't she?"

"She's also not carrying twins anymore. No restrictions. It's a thrill for her."

"Today you're doing this?"

"This week. Not today. She has plans. And we will have everything set up sometime. Just a thought. Maybe mid week. Anyways my lady is there anything else you need from me before I go to Yokai?" Good question since so much could be on her mind. You don't need to be at Yokai to turn the car around.

"I won't call you unless you are not at my desk tomorrow." She smiled and stood up. "You have done a great job these past few years. Are you comfortable?"

"Between you and Yokai duties I can retire at 50 if I wanted to with my kids attending college."

"Think those two are the only ones?"

"It's hard with two. I think another would make things harder. But I have the first snow twins in a very long time. They are healthy, happy, have both of our powers and they are behaved. Obviously problems exist but let's no go there. Right now it's a happy Monday."

"Agreed." She walks over to a window. "But please call and inform if anything that may hint of foul play." She nods. "I trust your judgement Mr. Shirayuki."

"Thank you. As of right now my lady I bid you a good day."


Onwards driving to Yokai Academy. You pass through the corner of the magic tunnel and park your car right next to the house. To think this was my house senior year. Guess it's time to see what Tsukune is up to. You walk up to the Headmaster's quarters and knock on the door. Ruby answers.

"Good morning (FN)." She smiled.

"Same to you Ruby. Morning Boss."

"Come in." Offered Tsukune. You walk up to his desk and take a seat. "So anything from the Preistess?"

"She wants me to be on guard since she has three of her people attending as a first year. She mentioned if their was any strange activity. We do have new monster breeds you know."

"Yeah. My daughter Kammi for example. As a father having a half vampire half succubus. You don't think I'm nervous if someone comes to my daughter and hits on her? I'll be livid."

"Same Tsukune. But let's relax. Everything seems like a decent Monday. So here is the question. What do you ask of me today?"

"Outside of patrol I need Yukari and Kokoa returned to the castle before dusk. That's it."

"Dude you are the man. My wife is making pie tonight."

"Mmm. What kind?" Asked Ruby.

"Don't know. But heck. Pie is pie. How's Gin doing Rubes?"

"Can't complain. He's shooting people for resumes and keeping busy. Although we're deciding on what were doing going forward. Do we buy a house? Is He ready for a baby? That sort."

"Well Ruby be thankful. I think my wife's fertility clock is close to running out. But we are happy as we are. Having twins that couldn't be any better. So Tsukune. Patrol and take the wives home? I'll shoot them a text."

"Thank you. Have a good one. Me on the other hand have what's bad about Monday is the early week paperwork. Till then my friend."

Geez. Fingers crossed for dinner and family game night maybe. Although I still have my guard up. Nothing good comes easy. I've worked my ass off, worked myself tooth and nail, but some time I'll have get back down to those fundamentals again. When? I guess only fate knows.


Home life and Monday work life at least for the moment don't seem all that bad. Wifey got the dinner cooking, you'll see the kids and make lemon time (popular demand you know), and work seems to be rather working for you. Let the good times roll. But happens when you make the rounds, escort Tsukune's wives, and report? Hmmmm.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day cause you guys are the best and make this happen. Love you all.


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