Chapter one: Pilot

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A.N: A new and improved version of the story though frist chapter might be the same asides very minor things like word choice and things, second chapter will have a change towards it however,Now Hitomi start the story.

Hitomi :Since when was I your servant!

Kit :When I created you.)

A small boy walks up the street with his eyes down and covered by his golden hair and dragging his feet, Ignoring the glares and trash being thrown at him he continues walking, when suddenly he's knocked down by something, He looks up to see who bumped into him and sees a girl around the same age of 5 or 6. She wore a dark blue dress and a matching hair tie and had long black hair and black eyes and hid her face shyly behind her hands.

"I'm sorry, I should have looked where I was going." She quietly apologise with a light blush. She reaches her hand down and offers to help him up. He flinches but takes her hand anyway. She gives her a smile and turns around, coming towards them was a slightly older boy. He had equally dark hair with a matching pair of eyes. He carried a tanto and standard anbu outfit.

"Hitomi what have I told you about not watching where you go" Boy says to the young girl now know as Hitomi,

"I'm sorry Itachi-niisan, it won't happen again." Says with a hint of disappointment in her voice. Itachi looks down at the boy and gets on one knee and smiles at him.

"Sorry for Hitomi's rudeness Naruto-san. How about we make it up to you and we take you with us to Dinner." Itachi says with a smile. Naruto still in shock from being helped by Hitomi can only nod his head. Hitomi smiles at Naruto losing all nervousness. They then all set foot to Ichiraku with Naruto staying behind with Itachi and watched Hitomi running on ahead. Itachi then kept Naruto a smile whenever Naruto would look up at him throughout the walk.

Thirty Minutes later

After having Ramen with Itachi and Hitomi, Hitomi Invites Naruto to play with her at the park when Itachi has to leave on a mission. Naruto nods his head and is quickly dragged to the park by Hitomi.

"Naruto what do you want to do first there's the swings, monkey bars, Oh I'll show you my favorite spot." She says and drags him over to a tree in the middle of the park. She climbs the tree with Naruto following behind her quietly, Once at the top she sits down and gives Naruto space to sit as well. They both sit quietly in the tree and take in the view.

"It's nice right. The view of the setting sun I mean, Kaasan would always watch it with me up here before that mission." Hitomi says quietly with something in her eye that Naruto never wanted to see someone else have loneliness.

"You can always watch them with me Hitomi-chan believe it!" Naruto says with as much confidence as he can pull. He didn't want to see someone so nice go through what he is. Hitomi's eyes seem to brighten as she gives him a small but happy smile with a couple tears falling down her cheeks. She pulls him closer and gives him a hug and whispers " Thank you Naruto-kun" .

They sat there talking for what felt like forever before letting go and seeing the full moon above them.

"I gotta go home Naruto-kun" she says sadly. Naruto was not wanting this moment to happen but knew it would. He frowned and remained quite. Hitomi seeing this frowned aswell and didn't know what to do.

"Meet me here tomorrow at three " Hitomi says with her kind smile.

"I will believe it " Naruto proclaims with his own smile.

Naruto went the opposite way from Hitomi and ran home with a new excitement. The glares not affecting him in the slightest. With the thoughts of his new friend in his mind he went to sleep for the first time in weeks.

Next day

There Naruto sat waiting for Hitomi. His excitement showing through he let himself smile.

"Hey look the demon is happy, While we're drinking away the loss he caused" A Ex-Shinobi stats as he glares at Naruto across the street.

"He doesn't deserve to smile. " His partner says next to him,

"We should teach that beast a lesson!" The original declares and walks over to Naruto. Instantly Naruto's face turns to a frown. Once the man gets close to the boy he kicks him to side and glares at him on the ground.

" stay on the ground where you belong demon, Grumble in the dirt like the rest of your kind" He says as he stomps on Naruto's back. A couple people in the area join in for the Demon beating. They all leave after Naruto is a bloody mess of what he was once before.

Naruto drags himself to the tree and sits against its trunk. One rib and both arms were broken but he didn't care, as long as Hitomi shows up he will go through this everyday.

"NARUTO!?!" Hitomi yells as she runs towards him. Her eyes full of tears.

"You came......" Naruto barley mutters before he slowly closes his eyes with a small smile on his face.

(New chapter every two weeks) 

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