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use these scenarios for my ocs-

scenario 1; Absence. (oc) hasn't been calling or texting you back in the last 24 hours. no matter how many times you blow her phone up, there's still no answer, you start
to get worried. What do you do?

scenario 2; You and (oc) attend the same high school now, she has just transferred there. She walks the halls alone, every period. Once school is over, she walks around in your dorm hallway with a dormkey that had your dorm number. What do you do?

scenario 3; (oc) is at the bench that you go to all the time. She seems to be having a good time by her self, enjoying her icecream. That's, until, a tall, lean, man, looks about 26-35, snatched her from behind. What do you do?

scenario 4; make up a scenario!

Individual Roleplayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें