Blood of the Hunt - Chapter 14

Start from the beginning

They heard the shiver of blades clashing outside, the noise coming through the open sliding glass doors that led off the kitchen and out onto the rear of the property. The smell of hotdogs cooking reached Aspen and she felt her stomach grumble when she realized this was totally going to ruin her lunch plans.

The source of all the noise was revealed to be Rayce and Zeke training hard across the lawn, both men shirtless and sweating as they dodged and attacked in equal turns. Aspen felt her mouth go dry. Cousin, she heard Hunter admonish her again silently. She peeled her eyes away from Rayce and then forced herself to look away from Zeke, too. The shattered runes all over his body were painful to look at, and she found herself wishing that Sera had had more success with the no-shirt/no-shoes/no-service rules around the house. It gave her shivers every time she saw the Stripped Shadowhunter.

The source of the smell was revealed to be coming from where Mark was absently turning the meat on the charcoal barbecue Jace had gotten up and running after the wedding. Buns were toasting away on a higher rack, and condiments had been laid out on the rusting, ironwork patio table that had somewhat survived the manor's long dormancy.

Cheers erupted from the narrow strip of shade still available along the stone wall as Rayce scored a hit with the flat of one of his staff blades on Zeke's thigh, and Aspen silently cheered along with the two little girls who were waving their arms in the air like mad. Then she saw Lucas sitting with his two sisters and she forgot all about her shirtless cousin.

She started to go over to talk to the Mundane boy, but the Seelie Queen chose that exact moment to emerge from the manor with Cassius a step behind her. Both Faeries eyed the combatants with very different emotions in their gazes.

As if sensing that their audience had grown, Zeke threw a look over his shoulder to take in the new arrivals and held up his hand to stop Rayce without taking his eyes off Cassius.

"I've had enough," he growled, dropping his pair of short swords in the grass and stalking off toward the stables without another backward glance. The one-winged Faerie had not yet come to Zeke with an apology for leaving him behind last time. Only an idiot would see Cassius armed and armoured and not know that he intended to leave again, probably somewhere dangerous this time. Zeke spat in the grass as he walked away and hoped that his mate understood that it was meant for him.

Cassius watched him go with sad eyes, but did nothing to stop him. He felt a tug on his gloved fingers and found Esmeralda pulling on his hand shyly for him to crouch down. He couldn't conceal the tiny smile of delight as he obliged the child, careful of the deadly torahk-na at his hips. Zeke would have to wait. Because I still do not know what to say to him.

Rayce looked as though he might have gone after his tutor, but he had learned that it was best to leave Zeke alone when he was in a foul mood. Instead, he turned his attention to his sister, and they began a hushed conversation that Aspen couldn't quite overhear.

Lucas sauntered over, leaving his sisters to fawn over Cassius in fascination. He took in the knives strapped to Aspen's legs, the weapons hanging from her belt, and the tough Shadowhunter gear under the cloak. Even her forearms were covered with a pair of shiny, dark bracers that had become almost mandatory over the last decade or so when potentially dealing with magic users in the line of duty. She kinda hoped that he didn't see how much she was sweating.

"Wow," he stammered. "You look.. badass."

She grinned back. "I am badass."

Lucas jerked his thumb back at where Rayce and Zeke had been sparring. "Does that mean you can do all that kind of stuff, too?"

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