Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Naked. That's all I ever feel anymore. Feel? Huh, that's funny... But what's funny? Ever since I've been taken, stolen, abducted; I've lost all my senses or feelings. I've lost track how long I've been gone. Days, weeks, maybe even months at this point. I'm tired from not sleeping, how can someone sleep peacefully here? How can I sleep when I'm scared for my life every second of the day, let alone being brought to different places every night? Drained. I've never felt more exhausted in my entire life. The life I've once known doesn't exist anymore. The light that was once inside of me has slowly been drained. All that's left now is...this shell of a body. Body? My no longer MY body. It's not mine anymore, it doesn't belong to me, and it’s not mine to call my own. That's what they tell me, that's what they've been telling since they've brought me here.

Sex trafficking. That's where I belong now. Of course I've heard of it but never actually believed it fully. Who would do this to people? Steal them and throw them into this prostitution. But it's much worse than just prostitution...its mind altering. It's life or death. It's what breaks you to the point of no return. Your mind turned to mush and your body disregarded as nothing but sport. All of these poor young girls... I always thought these types of things never happen to people like me, it happens to drug addicts or poor people. Not to girls like me...why me? It doesn't matter anymore; those questions that I've asked myself since being here are irrelevant. Those types of questions will get you reprimanded. Trust me, I know...

When they first brought me here I would scream and yell and kick at them. Every time I was moved from one alley to another I would ask them why they brought me there, what did I do? After they chained me inside a metal cage I screamed for hours on end. Two men finally came in...Only to beat me and then starved me for what seemed like weeks. My left eye is still recovering and my voice has since been gone...

My captures have brought me to this place that's different then all the other places I've been to. Before they brought me to the most horrific places I've ever seen. Empty warehouses, back alley ways, and drug addict binge shacks. All those places held girls around my age drugged up and in cages. They would be drugged and raped repeatedly. It was the most heinous sight I've ever seen. I felt sorry for all those girls, yet happy that wasn't going to happen to me. All those place where just temporary for me. And if those places that were just temporary for me, I didn't want to be alive to see what my final destination would be. As I sit here waiting for the next part of this nightmare, I can't help but to look around. They've brought me to a nice room. It almost looks like a penthouse hotel room (surprised I even remember those types of things). I've been tied to this red velvet wooden chair by myself for this past hour or so. In the background I can hear a buzzing sound constantly going off. Once I hear footsteps approaching the door I start to tense up in the chair. I start to hold my breath, thinking somehow that will prepare me for whatever comes through that door...

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