" Dearly beloved , we are gathered here in the sight of God , and in the presence of family and friends to join together this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony .

Jesus Christ reminds us that at the beginning the Creator made us male and female and said , For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and the two shall become one flesh

God loves us and created us to love others . Our lives find completion only as we love and are loved in return. Together we can become what we could never be separately. " he cleared his throat and proceeded " Love is patient, love is kind . It does not envy , it does not boast , it is not proud . It is not rude , it is not self-seeking , it is not easily angered , it keeps no record of wrongdoing. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with truth. It always protects , always trusts ,always preserves. Love never fails.

Angelo and Miko come today desiring to be untied in this sacred relationship . Let us pray .

O' Almighty God you have created us all in the image of Love , the image of Yourself. Bless now these two who stand before you . Guide them in your wisdom, shine your light upon them as they journey through this life together , they will walk as bearers of your truth . Amen "

" Angelo and Miko have provided us with their own vows who wants to go first ?" He asks " I'll go first " she says " When we first started dating I honestly didn't think we would get this far all because of the hurt I was holding onto but the more time we spent together the more you showed me how I should be treated " she lifts her veil " I remember the first time we kissed it felt so magical , you waited until I was completely comfortable before trying anything and I appreciate that so much because you opened my eyes up to what a real man is and I'll forever be grateful for you Angelo , I wouldn't want to be here with anybody else unless it's you and I promise to love you until the lord decides to call me home, you are a king , my king and I'll always treat you as such "

Angelo wipes the small tear that fell onto her cheek " The first day I met you I asked God to send me a sign to let me know if you were the one I was suppose to marry and sure enough not even thirty seconds later I got a text from you and I knew from that day forth that you were mine , that God had made you for me like Eve is for Adam , I promise to lift you up when you feel down to hold you when you feel like you just can't do it I never want you feel like your not good enough because baby your worth so much more then you know and I plan to show you every day for the rest of our lives "

Miko hands her bouquet to Zyla , her maid of honor. " Please join hands " the preacher says " Repeat after me son " " I , Angelo Isiah Valentine take you for my wedded wife, to love and cherish , for better or worse , for richer or poorer , in sickness and in health, from this day forward "

" I , Angelo Isiah Valentine take you for my wedded wife, to love and cherish , for better or worse , for richer or poorer , in sickness and in health, from this day forward " he repeats , " Repeat after me

I, Miko Harmony Larue take you for my wedded husband , to love and cherish , for better or worse , for richer or poorer , in sickness and in health, from this day forward "

"I , Miko Harmony Larue take you for my wedded husband , to love and cherish , for better or worse , for richer or poorer , in sickness and in health, from this day forward " Miko repeats " The rings please " the preachers says " May the Lord bless these rings which you give to each other as your sign of Love, Devotion and everlasting peace . Amen. "

" As you place this ring on your partners finger I ask that you repeat these words .

This ring is my sacred gift to you, a symbol of my love , a sign that from this day forward and always , My love will surround, with this ring I thee wed . " Slipping the rings on " This ring is my sacred gift to you, a symbol of my love , a sign that from this day forward and always , My love will surround, with this ring I thee wed . " They says in unison

" Oh , eternal God Creator and preserver , giver of all spiritual grace , the author of everlasting life ; Send thy blessing upon thy servants , this man and this women , whom we bless in thy name ; that they live faithfully together , may surely perform and keep the vow and covenant between them as symbolized by these rings as a token and pledge , and may ever remain in perfect love and peace together and live according to thy laws . Amen .

For as Angelo him and Miko have consented together in holy matrimony and have witnessed the same before God and those present , and have pledged their faithfulness to each other and have declared their love by giving and receiving rings and by joining hands , I now by the authority committed unto me as a minister and a priest , declare that Angelo and Miko are husband and wife according to the ordinance of God , in the name of Father , Son and of the Holy Spirit . Those whom God had joined together let no one put asunder .

May the peace and the unconditional love of God surround you and remain with you now and forever more , I Now pronounce you Mr. & Mrs. Valentine you may now kiss the bride "

V O T E | C O M M E N T
The End

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