Chapter 1

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As soon as you saw him across the room, your jaw dropped. You'd heard he was in town again, but you never thought you could possibly be this close to him. Never thought you'd end up in the same restaurant only a couple tables away. As he walked through the tables, his smile radiated and completely changed the atmosphere of the room. People unconsciously sat up straighter and smiled wider. You couldn't help but to stare at him. His long hair is falling down around his broad shoulders. His blue silky shirt is unbuttoned at the top and rolled at the sleeves revealing his tattoos. You were there with your best friend and she kicked you under the table, "quit drooling Y/N, you couldn't be more obvious. And it's not like he's ever going to notice you. He's HARRY STYLES, pretty sure he's beyond used to girls vying for his attention." Your face fell a little before you readjusted in your seat and focused back on your food. You kept looking up occasionally to watch him two tables away. He was laughing and shaking hands with everyone that walked by and graciously taking pictures with every fan that interrupted his meal. Even though you could only see half of his face, you could tell he was so genuine and appreciative of each and every one. As you finished up, you took one last, long look and stood to leave. As you walked towards the door, you noticed a rather large and intense man walking towards you. You and your friend instinctively grabbed each other and walked towards the hostess to see if he would leave. He approached you with a warm smile and said "Excuse me ladies, Mr. Styles would like to meet you in his hotel room. If you'll accept a car is waiting outside to take you there and he will follow shortly."

Your eyes widened and you turned to look at your friend. She, ever the cynic, was glaring at him and snapped back "oh yeah right like we'll ever believe that." The large man smirks and shakes his head, "Mr. Styles thought you might feel that way." He hands over a note written on the restaurants pristine cream linen napkin. It reads, in the distinctive scrawl you've come to know from years of being a fan, "I'd enjoy the opportunity to meet the two of you in a more private setting. All the love, H." For the second time tonight your jaw drops and and you squeeze your friend's arm. She's still quite skeptical and looks down at you. She gives you the look you've come to know all too well. The look that means she's telling you to calm down and think for a second, but today that is NOT happening. You've dreamt about this moment for years. You mister up every ounce of courage you have and remove yourself from her grip. "Okay Mr. Large BodyGuard Man, I'm down let's go." Your friend grabs at your arm "what do you mean you're "down" what if he's lying?" You remove her hand from your arm and reply calmly, "what if he's not?" Her eyes widen at this new act of defiance and she nods slightly "okay, if you're sure then I'm here with you." The man smiles widely and opens the door for you "Mr. Styles is going to be very pleased." The three of you step out onto the street and into the Land Rover waiting for you. The ride to the hotel is tense and quiet. You can hear the crowd of fans before you pull to a stop and the man turns to look at the two of you, "stay close to me and do exactly as I say." The two of you chew your lips nervously and kink arms as he opens the door and begins to push the crowd to give you some room. You step out and hold tight to the man as he pushes you through the crowd and in the doors. Your eyes widen at the extravagance of the lobby. You're led to the elevator and, no surprise, up to the penthouse. You walk in and stop taking in the immensity of it all. The man leads you to the sitting room and tells you to make yourselves comfortable before leaving the room. The two of you perch on the edge of the sofa and look at each other wide eyed, silently asking each other how this even happened. About 10 minutes later the man enters the room again. "Mr. Styles is on his way up." The two of you look at each other and take a deep breath then turn your gaze to the door. Within seconds you see the door handle turn and the familiar black Chelsea boot and black skinny jean step through the door.

Your heart skips a beat as you allow your eyes to travel up the muscular leg and your breath catches in your throats when you reach his torso. He has completely unbuttoned his shirt and allowed his toned chest and dark tattoos to show. Your friend squeaks and squeezes your arm. You continue your gaze up and see his face. As soon as your eyes meet you feel like your entire body has been lit on fire. His green gaze is intense and his eyes sparkle more than you thought possible. His smile takes over his entire face when he sees the two of you and instantly eases your nervous tension. You smile back and stand as he crosses the room in a few long strides. You start to hold your hand out, but he opens his arms and pulls you into a hug instead. The feeling of being in his arms is indescribable. You've never felt safer and more in danger at the same time. His arms wrap around you and he nuzzles his head against you and whispers so softly you almost miss it. "I just had to meet you. Something about you." Your eyes widen and you stare slack jawed at him as your friend clears her throats and he releases you to give her a brief hug. He motions for the two of you to sit and sits across from the two of you in an oversized armchair. Your body feels cold, almost as if you just lost the only source of warmth you had. Your friend speaks and introduces the two of you. Harry smiles and comments that you both have beautiful names. Your friend continues to talk and control the conversation as usual. However, she seemed completely oblivious to the fact that Harry wasn't even paying attention. Instead, his eyes were wandering your body while you did everything you could to not blush. After a couple hours of almost meaningless conversation, your friend announced that she had work in the morning and had to leave. You tried to hide your disappointment, this wasn't at all how you had pictured this moment all these years. You smiled politely and rose with her, thanking Harry and the large man and walking towards the door. Harry then insisted giving the two of you autographs and quickly scrawled on two takeout menus and handed them to the two of you. You both thanked him and walked out the door. You were led back downstairs and into the Land Rover and back to the restaurant to pick up your own car. You say silent the whole ride to drop off your friend as she chatted away claiming that Harry clearly had the hots for her. As she walked into her house you drove around the corner and parked. You took out the crumpled takeout menu and reading what he had written. As you read it your eyes filled with tears. You couldn't even believe what your eyes were seeing or how Harry had the time to write it so fast. On it was written, "Y/N this night didn't exactly go as I was hoping. Meet me back here at 10AM. Don't make me come to find you. All the love, H"

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