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Once upon a time, I thought life was great... Full of laughing, selfies, best friends and a warm loving family. I took a closer look at life and all I could find was sorrow, painful lies and no where to go or even turn. Slowly as I take a sip I feel the rush of alcohol running threw my veins. Does she love me? Does he love me? Does anyone love me? No! They didn't because, I was naive with a heart as light as a feather; because for many years ive lived lies & was taught to always hide the truth from everyone and anyone. There was no love in my life because my so called grandfather would deny where he was when he leaves for weeks at a time. because at one point I didn't care where he went and I just wished he would die; Because every time he left his wife would take the floor and gain power as if she was god and all I could do was cry in the arms of my friends with no reasons given; in hopes one day I will find what im looking for.


Hello every!

My english isnt that well so please forgive my errors! This story is about a young girl named Jennifer Jr. and her life experience with finding her real parents and actuly telling us about her experiences with each one. As well as some flash backs on her past with the people she lived with. There is love, anger, abuse and very deep thoughts in this story so please be advised it may not be for all ages!

Thank you for your time in considering my story!



this is my first time writing a story so please if you guys have any ideas to share i would be more then welcome to take some help!

"I hereby confirm that I believe the story identified below infringes my copyright Jennifer Cooney 2014".

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