Suicidal freak

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Suicidal freak
Suicidal freak
I looked up to the sky wondering if it was all worth it. Living, I mean. I look at my scarred wrist. Each had a unique reason from the older ones to the most recent ones. No one ever said anything; they just never noticed or most likely didn't care. No one cares about a son of Hades. They fear me and then talk about me behind my back. If anyone knew what I did they'd call me insane and avoid me even more that they do now.
Suicidal freak
That's what I am.
Those words describe exactly what I am.
But those words also broke me.
Those exact words that the sea prince muttered.
I know I am but for it to be heard from the one I love, it pushed me over the edge.
Suicidal freak
It all started when Percy caught me about to shadow travel out of camp. "Hey Nico don't leave yet, we're about to have dinner!" he said with a dazzling smile that made me weak in my knees. "No thanks" I said bluntly before I turned to leave in the shadows, but before I stepped in he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. "Please stay nico, for me.'' I tried to pull my hand from his grip but he just held on tighter, I sighed. "Percy, let go of me." "why" is he really this stupid? "um because I'm trying to leave?'' I said like it was an obvious answer. "why?" I froze. Was his head honestly so full of seaweed that he couldn't figure it out. "it's obvious" I muttered trying to free my wrist. "what is?" the sea prince asked honestly confused. "the fact that EVERYONE in camp hates me!" I yelled still trying to get him to let go of me. He sighed and let go. A look was on his face I couldn't quite figure out. It was almost as if he snapped.  He looked at me with an exasperated glare and spoke with an edgy glare as his voice rose "maybe people wouldn't hate you if you weren't such a gothic, SUICIDAL FREAK, who actually tried to have friends!" the sharpest blade could hit me right now and it wouldn't hurt worse than the pain I was  feeling when he said that. The words didn't seem real to me as I stepped back and turned away. I couldn't stand to see hatred on his face, and with that I stepped into the shadows and didn't look back.
Suicidal freak
I walked around in my room in the underworld in a deep distressed thought. Me and percy weren't as close as I wanted to be, but I still considered us friends. And I had to admit, as time passed I fell in love with him, and that made his words hurt even worse. No matter what happened he was always there for me. That's why I never ever thought he would ever say something like that to me. It made me 100% sure everyone I've ever met hated me. All my family was dead, aside from my father who I'm pretty sure also hated me, was dead. D-E-A-D!
Death used to make me uneasy and nervous, but now, it was welcoming. I thought about it for a while. Suicide. I could end it all. All of the pain. The suffering I've gone through. The hatred and isolation could go away.  The thing that made me decide to cross that line was I could see my mom again. I could almost feel the bliss and relief.  But what would she think of me? I doubt she'd like that I'm gay no one ever does. With these thoughts in mind I grabbed a knife and shadow traveled back to my cabin at camp half-blood to finish a long over do deed.
Suicidal freak
I sighed and looked at the knife in my hands "it's for the best. no one cares, they'll all forget me easily." I said trying to convince myself to do what I believed needed to be done. I slid the knife across my pale, scarred flesh. The cuts became deeper and longer until I started to feel dizzy because of blood loss. I whimpered in pain and thought I saw something running towards the Hades cabin, but I didn't care no more. The last thing I heard before I fainted was a familiar distant cry of "nico!" I couldn't hear anything. I couldn't see anything but most importantly I couldn't feel anything. I felt like I was in an abyss of nothing. It was almost blissful, almost.
Suicidal freak
I wasn't dead. I knew that. I guess I'd have to wait longer to reach eternal bliss. I  looked around and realized where I was. The infirmary. Great that means the whole camp probably know about my problems now. I tried to move, only to realize my arms were strapped down and bandaged. Great, just freaking great. Now they think I'm a lunatic and want to make sure I don't try anything again. As if. They just want to make sure I don't hurt the other campers. They want to keep a 'suicidal freak' such as myself away from the rest of society. That's when I realized I wasn't alone. Lone and behold there was Percy Jackson with his head down sobbing. My first instinct was to comfort him, but I decided against it. Why should I comfort him when he's the one that pushed me over the edge?
I moved up in my bed and Percy must have noticed because he looked up at me. I tried to give him a hated look, but even though he broke me I still loved him. "nico, I'm sorry for the things I said if you want me to leave I will." I looked at him straight in the eyes "why Percy?" he looked confused "why what." "why did you say those things to me!?!?!" he looked down in shame "I don't know." "you don't know!" I demanded "I just got so angry when you said that. That you would think everyone hates you. I just snapped neeks." He looked into my eyes "you don't know how hard it is to see the one you lo...the one you care about think so lowly of themselves. But after you left I realized the mistake I made, along with some other things and felt so horrible." I looked at him and realized he meant every word. "I forgive you percy, but please never say stuff like that again, and get these things off me." He quickly got them off and then hugged me. " Nico don't try that again please. I can't loose you, I'm...I'm in love with you nico so please." I looked at him in shock then smiled. " I love you too. And I promise besides having you is even better than death." And the I kissed him lightly on the lips and we walked out hand in hand.
Whoever thought the son of the god of death and the son of the god of the ocean would ever be united?
Suicidal freak

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 20, 2017 ⏰

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