Chapter 2

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3rd pov.

Sitting in a trailer next to her sleeping brother was his sister, holding his hand. But she wasn't alone, Professor Lodz and Lila, the bearded lady.

" Is he going to be alright?" she asked Lodz with her back still turned away from them.

" Yes, he is going to be as good as new when he wakes up," Said the Bearded lady and Lodz just hummed.

After a while of silence, Lodz and Lila started to whisper among themselves.

" What's your name,girl?" Asked Lodz. Mila just stayed quiet, she didn't what to talk to that man. To Mila, he seemed like one of those people who only helps somebody for their own gain.

Lodz stood up and walk over to Ben's bed and was going to put a hand on his head, but Mila stopped him by grabbing his arm tightly.

" What the fuck do you think you are doing?" Mila said while she tightened her hold on his arm. Lila stood up to help but Lodz stopped her by holding up his other hand.

" You know of his powers don't you?" Lodz asked Mila. She let go of his arm and sat down facing her brother. She nodded and continued to hold her brothers hand. " You have powers too," he said in realization.

" I don't know what you are talking about.." she muttered.

" Interesting.." and before she could do anything Lodz put his hand on Ben's forehead. Mila than took a hold of his arm again, trying to pull him away from her brother, but she was pulled into a vision. Before it even had begun she used her powers to make it go away.

"What did you do?" Lodz said in a angry voice, but Mila didn't have a chance to answer before she started to cough violently.

" Girl, are you alright?" Lila asked as she came over to Mila to help, but she just waved her hand signaling that she was okay. After a while the coughing stopped and on the hand that Mila held over her mouth was blood and lots of it.

" You are dying aren't you?" Lodz asked while Lila stood there in shock. Mila nodded and looked down.

"It's none of your business "

"Does your brother know?"

Mila just glanced at Lodz before looking at her brother again.

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