s e v e n t y - e i g h t

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"-understand. She'll want to visit her family."

"I don't know if her mother is still there. Someone said something about it, but I haven't spoken with the guards there. Even if she did, it could only be for a day at the most. I don't approve of her, but the people are fond of her, not to mention the Italians. It would be very inconvenient if she died."

I open my eyes. I'm on the bed, not under covers.

Then it all comes back, like I've been hit by a truck.

Prim. Primmy. My Little Duck. Is dead. She's . . . gone. And she's never coming back.

The shouting voices are muted, and I realize that's because they're outside the door.

"What do you mean her mother isn't there?" Peeta says.

"I think she left. I don't know."

I'm frozen to the bed, listening and not listening, coming in and out. The voices mesh together, then they're clear. I feel myself slipping, then I'm fine. I reach up and touch my head, then let out a whimper. I know I didn't hit it. Why does it hurt so bad? I feel the tears begin coming down my face before I can even process that I'm crying or that I want to cry. It feels like I'm suffocating in my grief.

Peeta sighs. "One day isn't enough! She needs more! She loved her sister to death, she needs time to grieve."

I hear something like a hand smacking a wall. "Fine," the queen huffs. "Four days. That's it."

"What if she decides not to come back? This wasn't rebel related, but she could want to stay."

"If she's dumb enough to want that, then good riddance. That place is half burnt up rubble. She was supposed to give me an answer about those announcements anyway, and if she's not willing, then she can stay home."

"She said she would. She told me earlier tonight," Peeta lies. But he knows, doesn't he?

"About time. As soon as she returns, we'll get her in the studio. I want this done by the New Year." Her tone is irritated, even as she's getting what she wants.

There's a pause before Peeta dares to speak. "I want to go with her."

"Like hell you will!" Queen Agatha yells. No. I need him with me . . . I'll be all alone. Or maybe it would be better if I'm alone. I can't even think straight.

Prim is dead. Prim is dead. Prim is dead.

"We don't even know if her mother is there! That girl might be my wife. Am I supposed to send her alone?"

"Yes! If she dies, it's one thing. If you die, it's a whole different issue. You're staying here!"

Another hand hits the walls, and I'm sure it's Peeta's this time.

"I am not commodity! And neither are they! I wish for once you would look at me and see a person." The door opens quickly, and Peeta comes in. "I'm so sorry," he says, walking over and sitting on the bed. "I didn't mean to wake you."

"Is it real?" I sob.

"Yes, Katniss. She's gone." He looks incredibly pained, and takes a deep breath. "Katniss... the rebels, they..."

"They what?" My breathing is picking up, and I can tell I'm on the verge of having a panic attack.

"They had dynamite. I'm not sure where they acquired it. They rushed in and started setting things on fire... blowing things up..." he pauses and lets this information sink in. "They blew up the hospital. Your sister was inside volunteering."

imperfect fit ; an everlark au based off of 'the selection' seriesWhere stories live. Discover now