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I noticed her as soon as I walk in to the catering. I noticed her because she was sitting next to Renee and they were talking.
I could tell she was new. She wasn't here the last time I was. I would have defineatly remenber the blonde hair and pink tips. I went ahead and grabbed my food and turn to see Renee motioning me to come sit with them.
I walked to them with a few people congratulating me along the way. I sat down on the other side so I was staring at them.
"Hey Joseph".
"Hey Renee" I greet her.
"Whose your friend" I asked.
"This is Alexa Bliss" she answered.

"Nice to meet you Maverick" I hear Alexa's Voice. I turn to look at her.
"Nice to mee.." Im immedietly caught off guard by her blue eyes. There was something in them. Something almost hypnotizing.
"Uh Joseph" Renee voice brought me back. Almost as if breaking me from a trance.
I realized what happen and I quickly clear my throat.
"Nice to meet you Alexa" I say nervously and she simply smiles at me and turns to look at renee.
"Well I got to go Renee. See you later" Alexa gets up and walks away.
"What was that all about" Renee looks at me trying to hold her laugh but fails.
I simply shake my head, "I don't know".
"Anyway" she says after she manages to stop laughing, "Are you ready for your first match back?".

Its been a week since I came back. Tonight was my first match in a wwe ring in 7 years. Yea, I was nervous.
I take a deep breath.
"Ready as I'll ever be" I tell her.


I watch the monitor as Alexa Bliss and Mickie James go at it in the ring. My match is after theirs. The match goes back and forth. Soon mickie gets the upper hand and whips Alexa into the turnbuckle. Mickie goes for a clothesline but Alexa moves out the way and mickie has no choice but to run into the turnbuckle. Alexa kicks her forcing her to bend over and alexa goes for her DDT.
She quickly goes for the pin.
The referee raises Alexa's hand in victory.
I catch myself smiling, realizing how happy I am she won. Weird.
But my happiness is short lived as I remember my match is next and its the main event. I take a deep breath as the nerves hit me again.


I am whip into the turnbuckle with a loud thump. Its just me and Finn Balor left. Everyone else has been eliminated. Finn balor runs towards me but I managed to run out the way.
He bounces off the turnbuckle and as he turns around I hit him with my signature Superkick.
I quickly pull him in and deliver my finisher, Maverick's Rush(brainbuster), and quickly cover him.
Suddenly the arena goes dark. Everyone goes quiet.
Slowly a laugh pierces thru the dark. Its a weird yet familiar laugh.
I slowly moved towards the rope and use them to get up since I can't see much.
The lights once again brighten the arena in a moment. I find myself staring at the crowd, wondering what just happen. What just happen? For a moment Im unfocused. Then it comes back to me.
Wait...I still have a match to finish.
I turn around and immideatly find myself staring at him.
Bray Wyatt.
He stands there a few feet away from me, smiling.
He begans to laugh as he just stares at me.
Well that explains the laugh. I should have known.
I launch myself at him with a clothesline but somehow he reverses it into Sister Abigail. Next thing I know Im laying on the mat staring at the ceiling. I hear bray's laugh once again before the arena goes dark again, the laughing stops, and in a few seconds the lights return. I feel Finn balor jump on me.
No desqualifications in fatal four way matches.
Finn's music hit. I lay on the matt dazed and confused.

"Ladies and gentlemen the winner and the new #1 contender for the WWE Universal Championship Finn Balor!"


As soon as I get to my locker room, the first thing I do is slam the door shut. Furious!
I paced back and forth trying to calm myself down, my fists cletching and tighting.
Suddenly there a knock at the door.
"Who?" I asked in a harsh tone.
"Its me man" I recognized Dean's voice.
"And me too" Renee bursts in.
"Its open".
They come in and I continued pacing back and forth only glancing at them briefly.
"What the hell was that?" Dean asks, clearly wasting no time.
"You wanna tell me? Because I sure dont know!" I practically yell.
"Calm down" Renee tries to calm me.
I begin to breath slowly in and out.
"Bray had no business out there. Not only did he cost me a match I clearly had won but he cost me the #1 contendership for the WWE Universal Title".
"Do you know why he did that, maybe" Renee asks.
I sigh, "No, renee. How would I. Ive only been here a week".
Dean puts his hand on my shoulder forcing me to stop pacing back and forth.
"So what you gonna do?" he asks.
"I don't know. But what I do know is Im not staying with my arms crossed".

"Better not" he says and playfully punches my shoulder.
"Man" he continues.
"If I didn't win I hope you would have won".
I simply roll my eyes.

Maverick's Bliss (A WWE Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang