Nobody (Corbin)

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It's here! It found me. I said as I ran quickly my heart beating fast. If my anxiety was on a chart, the levels would be off the charts. I tried running far from the creature after me. I'd wish I never checked that house!

*Two hours earlier*
I a 15 year old boy who happened to go to the park one day, like I always did. However it felt off a bit off today. I shook it off. Dismissing it I tried to pay no mind.

I was alone, but I felt as if I was being watched. The park I had went to was in school grounds, an elementary school to be precise.

I keep getting weird feelings as I decided to loop around the school. You know take a little walk of sorts.
It felt oddly still...

There were no birds chirping, little to no cars passing. It quiet. I knew somthing was off for thats one of the obvious signs that somethings going on. But I ignored nature's warnings and decided to stay, boy that was a bad move on in my end.

Due to the deathing silence I decided to take my phone out from my pocket so it wasn't extremely unnerving for me to stay there in complete and utter silence.

I put my earbuds in, and continued to walk, the volume I put my music on was loud enough so I could hear my surroundings. Just in case. My tension was rising, I felt very uneasy.

Oh how I wished payed more attention to the noised I heard.

CRACK! What seen like a branch had broke in the near by woods.

I looked around to find nothing. I had already finished walking around the school. Then when I started to pass the doors of the school I noticed one of the lights on. One single light.
It only got more freaky after that! You're probably wondering "Why is having a light on in school freaky?" "That's normal it's a school."

Well for one before I looped around the building there were ABSOLUTELY NO LIGHTS ON IN THE ENTIRE BUILDING. Two it was a weekend Sunday to be exact. You're probably now thinking "Well the staff get ready for the next day, you're just being paranoid."
Well, the next day, Monday there was no school for there was a whole week off for vacation!

The bad vibes got stronger. As I continued on.

I walked down to the lower end I the playground. It was winter so there was a lot of snow everywhere. It was a real bad year there was over four feet of snow everywhere. They plowed everywhere except for the playing area such as the swings.

I tried to walk to the swings without falling through the snow which I accomplished. Thankfully the snow been packed down by the playing children from the days previous.

I had gotten to the swings. I decided to look at the library which was also on in school grounds but wasn't part of the school. When I looked over my shoulder to see that I saw a flash of a disturbing image. I could barely see it but it had wide big eyes, a crazed smile,was fleshy looking and it was short from where I was. I could also tell it was leaning against the glass attentively staring at me.
I tried to ignore it, knowing it wasn't my imagination I occasionally looked behind me to see if it was still there I continued to see flashes of the same thing. I looked at the street noticing only a few cars passing every so often.

I did this for about twenty minutes.
Then I got bored of looking at the street and looked up at the second floor windows in the school building.

I can't really tell you what I saw, but I can tell you what I was made me think it was my eyes playing tricks on me. You know when you stare at the a dark area it ends up morphing objects and stuff. Well I saw a white hand tinted blue from the light and IT WAS TAPPING ON THE WINDOW. Since I thought it was my eyes playing tricks on me I looked away for a few moments and the looked back up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2018 ⏰

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