Classic Rock Hunger Games

Start from the beginning

Harrison panicked and ran.

brian blinked and stood up, stepping accidentally on an ant and killing it. "Oh no! NO!!!" He tried to resuscitate it but failed, so he commited sucide. [*]

The day was ending and soon the arena became as dark as the sky and all of them tried to sleep.

George tried too but he was hella hungry. if he only found some food...

Luckily, it's the arena so everything was artifical so he found the SANDWICH TREE!

"Ah, I start to like these games."" he said to himself, ate sandwiches and fell asleep.

Harrison woke up to the sound of a.... Cat? Yes, he couldnt be wronf, it was a meow. He saw a small, furry creature, standing next to him.

Suddenly Freddie mercury emerged from bushes, surrounded by an army of cats.

"Now, my cats! KILL HIM!"

Every cat hissed and turned into small devil, chasing terrified Geo. Freddie laughed but suddenly died, stabbed by a Brian Jones.

Wow damn Brian

The blonde smiled and watched George disappearing. "I'll get you, my dear. Sure I'll do."

* * *

George climbed the small mountain and rested on it, scared, dazed and confused HAA LOOK AT THIS REFERENCE. Sudden explosions made him jump.

he l00ked carefully and saw small, innocent looking guy planting bombs and sending anoder children to heaven.

"Take this, bitch!" the boy known as Keith Moon screamed and hugged some bomb. "I love explosions"

#KeithXBombs 💜💜 #OTP

"Why is everone fucked up here? thought Harrison to himself.

Soon der was a second night of the deathy Games and the portraits of dead tributes appeared on the sky.

Geo counted them all.

Jimmy Page anf Robert Plant from district 1. Pete Townshend, district 2. Both Keith Emerson and Carl Palmer, district 3. David Gilmour and Jim Morrison, district 5. Pattie from his district. Brian May, district 7. Both Michael Nesmith and Davy Jones, district 8. Axl Rose and Slash, district 10. And Steven Tyler, district 11.

14 died, 10 still alive.

Rip them all, it's time you cry.

Meanwhile, when everyone was killong,, Bob Dylan was running around and picking flowers, bc he's a smol bean.

Until, of course, Brian Jones ended his life. Brian, stop.

Also meanwhile Roger Waters was building a Wall, but unfortunately fell off and broke his neck. Shame.

People all around watched the Hunger Games with an excitement. What a great year! Smol kiddos dying all the freaking time!

Who do you cheer? Who's gonna win?

The day 3 begun with an earthquake; the whole are was shaking. George instantly woke up and tried 2 climbed down da mountaing, but fell off at some point and screamed in pain. He saw darkness and fought to breathe.

Suddenly some1 walked to him.

Wild cawboy Jon Bon Jovi with a gun. "Now Im gonna kill y-"

Suddenly a giant rock fell on Jon and killed him. Thank you, rock ex machina

All around the earthquake Kurt Cobain had a shotgun and tried to shoot Moonie but everything was shakin so badly he shoot himself in da head and died lol.

Only 6 tributes remained alive and Joj was in between them! Wow!! The rest was: Keef Moon - yes, he's gonna be a problem. Brian Jones - damn. Bri was a psycho. Also... Some other guys he couldn't remember

finally,, an earthquake ended hooray and they had time to rest (or murder)

Harrison still had some sandwiches from the sandwich tree, but had no more water supplies so decided to find some lake or smth.


All of sudden Keith Moon exploded. Probably trying to kill Geo.

Joj shrugged #Nofucksgiven and continued exploring

When the third night came, nubody else died and thing started to be boring, Jimmy Page suddenly resurrected wit a satanic magic. He climbed the highest mountain drew pentagram with his own blood and summoned Satan.

Wow this is getting interesting

Storm clouds formed; everything was consumed by a darkness. And then SATAN APPEARED.

"WHO CALLED ME?!" scremed Satan

"Me," Page waved

"Oh, hi, Page. What's up?"

"nothing, just want you to k i l l e v e r y o n e i n h e r e!"

""k then" said Satan and killed the nearest person who was Joan Jett, rip, but then got bored and left and Jimmy fell off from the mountain - loser lol.

And Harrison finally found a lake. Wow wow

He was just bout to drink when he heard footsteps followed by a maniacal laugh. Brian Jones.

"Finally. I got you. Now I'll kill you!" The blonde didn't seem very dangerous, but his axe soaked in blood did. But today George decides to not run away to stand up anfd fightt

Brian raised his weapon and ran to him with a scream.

George just moved away

Jonesy fell into the lake and drowned.

"Well, that was easy," giorgio murmured to himself. "Now I have only one person to kill..."

Suddenly he had a heart attack and died rip im pepperoni ;--;



"Ladies and gentleman, we present you the winner of the 39th Hunger Games, Keith Richards from a district 4!"

"say what," mumbled Richards, drugged under the bushes for the entire Games.

Glory to the victor and rip to the victims


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