A Parrot And A Goat Walk Into A Bar & A Li'l Of 'Jail Bait'

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"Bob sells a house for $136,000 if he makes five percent commission for every house he sells how much money did Bob earn on this sale?"  Veronica asks Eli pacing back and forth with an Algebra book in her hand "ugh stop my brain hurts just hearing...

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"Bob sells a house for $136,000 if he makes five percent commission for every house he sells how much money did Bob earn on this sale?"  Veronica asks Eli pacing back and forth with an Algebra book in her hand "ugh stop my brain hurts just hearing about it!"  Vendetta says from inside Keith's office Eli laughs then says to Veronica "all I know is if your boy Bob only gets five percent um he's pushin the wrong product"  Veronica sits down in a chair next to him "can I get something to write with here?"  he asks "first fundamental of the fundamentals of math always carry a writing utensil"  Veronica says handing him a pencil out of the pencil holder "well you definitely are mental!"  Vendetta says Veronica scoffs playfully he smiles at the two girls "uh-hmm"  he says "see he agrees!"  Vendetta replies he laughs Veronica smiles shaking her head "so I heard uh Duncan Kane took off huh?"  he says as he looks down at his book "I believe the official story involved a sick relative in Chattanooga but yeah he took off"  Veronica answers he replies "hmm well the word is he bolted cause you accused him of killing Lilly"  Veronica answers "well word is wrong"  he says "hmm but you don't think they got the right guy?"  Veronica turns to face him "no.... and neither does V"  Vendetta replies "hey!.... don't bring me into this!.... I want nothin to do with this mystery Daphne and Fred so keep me out of it!"  just then the front door opens and Keith walks in "hey honey"  Keith says closing the door behind him "Eli"  Eli replies "Sheriff"  Veronica looks up at her dad a he walks over "I'm just giving Weevil a refresher for his quiz tomorrow"  seeing the look on Keith's face Eli says "well I guess I'm refreshed see you at school.... bébé you comin?!"  Vendetta pops out of Keith's office with a smile on her face Keith looks over at her and Vendetta says "what I'm not exactly a fan of the "doom and gloom" Dick Tracy look of this place so I thought I'd liven it up just a little.... I just finished in the office.... I hope you like pink!.... personally it makes me wanna puke!.... but the neon color certainly brightens up the place!.... oh there are also some hearts and flowers and if you look real closely you might just see a unicorn walk up to you and say "hi" from behind a rainbow"  she tilts her head and Eli chuckles Veronica smiles shaking her head as Vendetta give Keith a small peck on the cheek then says with a smile "enjoy Uncle K!"  Keith replies "gee thanks!"  and he smiles when he walks over and sees that his office hasn't been touched "that girl....!"  he mutters shaking his head as Vendetta and Eli leave arms wrapped around one anothers hip though Eli holds the door open and waits for her to leave first she walks away still holding his hand her body turned so that she's facing him as she walks and he follows her once she is far enough away that his arm is stretched to the limit and her hand might slip out of his.... when they get to her apartment Vendetta and Eli sit at her kitchen table and try to finish what Veronica started his eyes kept wandering over to her as he skimmed the book "you know.... I gotta go!"  he says quickly standing up she stands up with him with a confused and worried look on her face "no!.... V!.... don't think like that!"  he says softly touching her cheek "it has nothing to do with you!.... I just!.... I have to go!"  he kisses her forehead grabs his leather jacket off the back off his chair and bolts out of her apartment he leans up against the wall by her door outside then whispers softly with a sad tone "I'm sorry V!"  and he runs to his bike and rides off to the Kane house.... the next day Vendetta wakes up to find Felix at her door "hey Fel!?"  she says with a confused tone he smiles at her then replies "hey!.... I don't know if you heard Weevil got arrested for breaking into the Kane house last night"  she whispers "so that's what....!?!"  he looks at her confused and asks "what!?!"  she tries to smile and says "oh nothing!"  he smiles then says "so I thought that since Weevil was.... I'd give you a ride into school today.... you know play the cavalry.... your knight in leather armor today"  she replies with a soft chuckle "oh!.... no thanks Fel!.... I'll just call Mac and have her pick me up.... but thanks anyway!"  he looks at her sadly and sounds disappointed when he says "oh!.... well ok!.... see you in school then!"  she forces a smile and says sadly "yeah!.... see ya!"  and she closes the door gently then gets ready for school... she was already thinking the worst but finding out the truth makes it just as bad.... "so!.... I was going to go visit Weevil and was wondering if you wanted to come"  Veronica says to Vendetta at the end of the school day "why not?!.... I can flirt with your "boyfriend" while you flirt with mine"  Vendetta answers "that's the spirit!!"  Veronica replies hearing the sarcastic tone in her cousins voice she loops her are through Vendetta's and they start walking "just let me tell Mac that she doesn't need to give me a ride home.... Felix came this morning.... but I didn't feel much like riding.... I think I might have made him feel bad.... I'll have to make up for it somehow...."  they find Mac Vendetta lets her know that she is free from her short lived chauffeur job she chuckles and nods then the two V's head to the station

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