-7- Looking up to the Moon

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As I walked in I sensed that weird sensation again. It was not as strong as this morning. As if the thing I felt attracted to left. It feels a bit empty even. I walk down the hall and enter the library. My favorite place in this house. I sigh softly. When I hear a subtle sound I jump up. It is just then that I see Maggie in one of the corners in a comfy chair. "Oh hey Maggie! Did not see you there." Maggie chuckles softly. "Dear, why are you here?" "Oh you know... just checking the place... Did they come home by any chance?" She purses her lips together and nods no. "Tomorrow, at 6pm sharp, hun." I nod and leave.

The moment the trees are the only things to be seen I stop running and collapse to the ground. I feel so empty. As if there was something there, but it left. I slowly take my phone out and open messenger. Who should I text first? I decide on Ethan. Before I can think I fastly type and send him a text. Real mature Sky...

-Sky-; Hey there bigfoot, my birthday is quite boring without you guys. Miss you xx

I quickly get a reply text, which gives me quite a blush.

-Ethan-; Hey there princess, I am sorry we had to miss it, we will make it up to you okay ;) I miss you every minute, your prince xx

I almost choked when I got a text from Charles.

-Charles-; Hey there lady in distress, we will see you tomorrow, cannot wait for it. Running together would be awesome young lady xx

I smile. Those boys! I slowly get up from the ground and make a leap to run back, but I decide that I rather walk for a little while.

If I pass my home I do not feel the urge to go to bed, so I walk around for hours. I hear some growls and groans in the distance and laugh. The moon is big and bright tonight and there are many werewolfs out today. Being 16 is such a big thing if you are a werewolf, still here I am, feeling like a little girl in the moonlight.

After walking what felt like hours I decided to get some rest. I climb my way up the treehouse. Maybe the last time this will be visited. Soon there will be no "Us" anymore. It makes me hate myself and I cry out loud. The deep intense saddening feeling makes my throat create the weirdest sobs and sounds. There, where our friendship really bonded, I am lonely because it is an empty gesture now. They probably found their mates, I will soon find mine. Then I will have to call Ethan 'My Alpha' instead of 'Wussy Boy' or some other weird name I used to call him. Maybe I cannot see Ethan after he returns. There is a big chance Luna will be jealous. Then my bloodline of Beta's will stop. They will choose someone else to be Ethan's right hand. My cries and sobs only grow deeper and worse. My boys, taken away from me. My cries deep and loud are unstoppable, so is the raging pain in my heart. I cry for seconds, minutes, hours... until I sense that smell again. Probably a delusion which tries to get the best of me. After only seconds I ignore the smell again, and a deep snorting sob leaves my now dried out lips. I now discover it's sunrise as soft orange, red and yellow create a new day. My whole face feels raw the moment I try to whipe my tears with the back of my hand. Again the uncontrollable pain makes me sob and moan like a mother who lost her child. I place myself against the wall and grab my knees while placing my forehead in the gap between them. Suddenly I hear the wind whisper and leaves cracking. In what seems only a handful of seconds I feel myself hugged by two bodies on each side. Amazing smelling bodies. My whole body tickles. A warm, loved sensation takes over my body and a soft moan leaves my body. I still quiver a bit. The last tears leave my red-cried eyes as I lean in a bit more to get closer. Slowly a smile forms my lips as a hand pets my hair. On of their heads are on top of my head while the other is placed in the corner of my shoulder. I nod slowly as a thanking. The smell is still overwhelming and I really enjoy it. It is a minty smell, one of the smells I most prefer. I feel a soft kiss placed on my hair and shushing sounds. The kiss lingers for a bit. I cannot quite register which hand is who's and who they are. It is to painful to look up. But because one of them is probably my mate I should. I am trying to recover from this strange feeling. My life is about to change forever. My eyes slowly flicker open and shut. I take a deep breath and look up to meet my Prince Charming's face...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2019 ⏰

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