Chapter Six

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"All right, while my brother goes off to cool his jets, I need information. First, why are you so interested in running off half-baked? Which will probably get you into more trouble than before," Violet asked, looking almost as angry as Talon had.

"Someone would have followed Mattie. I need to get out of here before they show up, or the dickhead gets here himself," I said.

"Not that she's sure Mattie was followed. If anything, they would have followed Julian," Deanna said. "Fuck," she uttered when she saw my wide eyes of worry.

"You're safer here than anywhere else in the world. Talon will go to great lengths to keep you that way. As you can see and have heard a million times, Zara, it's not only him. I'm sure Barbie would as well. Then you have me and the guys."

I rolled my eyes. "That right there is why I have to go."

"You're scared. That's all it is. You're not really thinking."

I bounced down to the end of the bed; there was a lot of jiggling going on, which must have looked like a treat. But I was pissed. I got up and in Violet's face.

"Of course I'm scared," I hissed. "If a man like that was after you, wouldn't you be? And I am thinking as straight as Talon in a gay bar."

Julian chuckled behind me. "I'd like to see that."

"Oh, no, no, in a gay strip club," Deanna added.

"Shh, you guys," Mattie ordered.

Vi glared and said, "No. You. Aren't. If you were, you'd know that this, staying here with us all, was the right choice. Not only the right choice for you, but for Maya. Think, Zara. If you're out there on your own, running for your life, what are you going to tell Maya? How are you really going to keep her safe? You'll be by yourself."

I teetered back. "I...I don't know."

"I understand the urge to run. I do. But it won't help. It's time to trust the people around you, to lean on them for help when they're so willing to do just that. No matter what may come of the situation."

I gracefully—not—flopped back on the bed. Damn, she was right.

All I wanted was to run, to keep everyone safe, but I hadn't been thinking clearly. Maya was the highest priority, and it hadn't dawned on me that she'd need more than just me to keep her protected from her cuckoo father. Even if the thought of having others involved in my stuffed-up situation still sent me into panic mode and wanting to sit in the corner sucking my thumb, I needed to stop, take a breath, and think.

I sat up straight and turned to Mattie. "You have to leave before things get ugly."

"If," Deanna said.

Mattie smiled. "We're family and I've only just gotten you back in my life—"

Julian interrupted, "Oh, my Gawd, I'm gonna cry. This is one of those Hallmark moments." He sniffed.

Mattie rolled his eyes. "And I've had my fair share of ugly in my life, so I'm kind of used to it."

"You better not be referring to me, sac sucker."

Deanna laughed. "I love that one, sac sucker. I'm going to have to use it."

"Make sure to use it on a straight guy. Lordy, that would be funny."

Deanna turned to me. "So, you're staying?"


"You're a fucking miracle worker, but I still don't like you." Deanna glared at Violet.

Holding Out: Hawks MC Ballarat Charter #1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang