Chapter Fourteen

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Talon left with the flowers and note—after, of course, a hot make-out session. And yes, it was in front of everyone. I was getting the impression he wasn't unfavourable toward public displays of affection. Something I was still learning to get over myself.

Maya and Cody were both fine with going to Talon's without me, and instead with Mattie and the bikers. I packed as Maya gabbed on about how unreal it was going to be staying at Talon's, that she was going to have a huge-arse—yes, she said arse, but only because Cody had—room to herself. I was going to have to have another word with Talon. Though, what had me forgiving Cody so quickly for cursing was when Maya told me that he'd said if she got scared through the night, she was allowed to go into his room, that he'd keep her safe.

Wasn't that just the cutest thing?

Before they left, I gave Cody a big hug for what he'd said.

It caused him to look at me strangely, because either he didn't know why, or he just wasn't used to a mother figure showing him affection.

Griz made himself at home on the couch, watching motorbike racing, while Deanna, Julian, and I sat at the kitchen table, organising the afternoon and night's events. We were arguing about whether cocktails or straight shots were going to be the main choice of beverage when the front door opened and in walked Blue and Pick. They sat down with Griz after a quick hello, and we went back to arguing while we made lunch for everyone.

In the end, we decided to do both. Once lunch was consumed—or wolfed away, where the men were concerned—Julian announced, "Massage time. Then we'll start a little drinky-poo."

"Whoa, hang on. I thought we were going somewhere for that massage," Deanna said.

Julian rolled his eyes. "Don't be silly, apple tart. I am actually a professional masseuse. I've got my table in my car and all. Girl, you won't know what hit you when I get my hands on you."

Julian, with the help of Griz, got his table from the car. Once we moved the lounge around a bit, we placed the table in the middle. None of the bedrooms were big enough to have it in.

The guys positioned themselves back on the couch and chair and continued to watch television. That was until Deanna came out in my robe. I had demanded—because it was my night—that she went first.

"Okay, lemon drop, lie on your stomach." Julian patted his table.

Deanna turned a glare on the guys, who quickly looked away, then lay down. She had Julian help her remove my robe so that all she was left wearing was her low-riding jeans. Her top half was naked. Not that you could see anything, thank goodness, or I wouldn't be getting up there. Julian squirted some oil onto his hands and rubbed them together. As soon as he placed them on Deanna's back and started to work out her knots, she moaned low in her throat.

"Jesus," Griz growled.

I grinned.

"I think I'm in the wrong job," Pick said.

I looked to Blue. He wasn't looking at Deanna at all. His eyes were on me, and once I'd turned to him, he said, "Looking forward to your turn, babe."

I blushed and had second thoughts about actually having a go.

"Blue," Griz barked.

Blue smirked and shrugged at Griz. "Can't help myself," he said.

Julian worked Deanna for half an hour, then wrapped the robe back around her; as she got up from the table, her eyes were hooded. That was when I noticed Griz adjust himself in his pants. He so wanted her.

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