Poor eye sight[Harmione]

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Harry's pov

"Harry!" Shrieked a voice as soon as I opened my eyes,I saw her,my best friend,Hermione Granger.

Ron followed after her with a grin on his face,"Bloody hell mate,when did you arrive?"

But I barely heard him as I just kept looking at her,how her uncontrollable curls bounced perfectly along her face and her bucktoothed smile could light up a room better than a thousand wands.

Ron was blabbing about something,not that I really knew or cared what it was about.I couldn't peel my eyes away from her,and I could see her starting to get worried.

"H-Harry?" She asked uncertainly sitting beside him in the bed ,swishing her curls behind her shoulders,a look of deep concern on her face.

"L-last night,"I stammered out and she reached forward and hugged me,her ocean body spray filled my nostrils until she pulled back with a smile.

And that's when I knew all these years,I had a really bad case of Poor eye sight.

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