Falling for a Sworn Enemy (One shot)

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Hello there! So this is the first story ever that I've posted in Wattpad. Its just a short story but please give me your opinion bout it.. Please give me a feedback about it- Comment! Comment ! Comment ! :)

so now.. To the story..



Samantha Park is on her way to school. She's biking peacefully and enjoying the smooth breeze of spring air. She looks up to the cherry blossom that falls freely on her face.

"What a peaceful day!" she sighed as she said to herself when suddenly...


She might have spoken too soon.

Someone bumped the back wheel of her bicycle making her collide with the nearest post. Sam didn't have to look back to see who the culprit was, she knew perfectly well the only person who never fails to make her life miserable.

The culprit laughed his lungs out. He was also as usual.

"You should've seen your face!" The guy said in between laughters while Sam was throwing him daggers through her eyes.


The boy climbed back to his bicycle and started to drive. He knew it was not a good idea to stay with a furious Sam.

"Race you to school, Park!" He called out to her.

Sam hurriedly climbed back to her own bicycle and pedaled like there's no tomorrow. There is no way she's going to lose to him ever again!

Samantha and Jerick have always been mortal enemies. They've competed with each other since kindergarten in almost ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING! From studies to sports to martial arts to music... everything! They were two extraordinary human beings (if they were even one) and both of them despise losing... especially to each other.

Sadly, Sam was always point five below Jerick. He was the top of the class and she was right behind him. He was the most athletic student and she was next to him... He was one genius mind but she wasn't, she's able to compete with him because of her hard work and perseverance. And that is what Jerick loves about her.

Yes! Jerick Kwon is in love with his sworn enemy from the start. He admires how hardworking she is. She has to train herself for years in order to even compete with him. When people tell her, she can't do it because she's a girl, she always proves them wrong. He loves her annoyed expression whenever he teases and aggravates her. He's in love with her, it's no secret. Everyone knows it, except Sam herself. Why? Because she's just way WAAAY too dense!

The day went on normally with Jerick and Sam competing in every quizzes and tests. In PE, they played volleyball where Sam almost broke her arm from jumping too high; luckily, Jerick was able to catch her. Which made her annoyed, how could she let her own enemy save her? =_=

It was going to be just another day but something unexpected happened.

Samantha was on her way home when suddenly, a group of men blocked her. Not just any group of men, 50 gangsters were blocking her way right now!

"Hey there Missy!" the leader of the group said to her.

He looks familiar. Sam thought. She tried to recall any incidents with him then...

"YOU!" Sam blurted out as she finally remembered. The man who seemed to be their leader was the person who Jerick have beaten out in the street when he tried to touch her a month ago.

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