The Louder the Better

463 3 0

Author: xxWinterRose (AFF)

Description: "I need you, Hanbin."

It was those words that took him over the edge; just how it usually does.

Warning: Smut


The lights are dimmed, curtains half closed.

The stars lit up the darkened sky.

Bobby lay awake watching the clouds cover the moon then uncover it again shortly after.

He couldn't sleep.

Today had been a really long day after arriving home from Japan. He was exhausted yet he still couldn't sleep.

He looked down beside him and took in the sight of his sleeping partner of two years, Kim Hanbin.

Bless his soul, he had been sleeping since eight p m. The leader had really exhausted himself lately and Bobby was glad he could rest.

Bobby leaned his arm over him gently and stroked his hair from his face. Hanbin reacted subconsciously by leaning his head into the older male's hand.

He left it there for awhile, enjoying the human contact. He glanced over at the digital clock that lay on the bedside table.


Bobby smiled to himself, feeling stupid for being awake this late when he had hardly slept the night before, either. Not only was he over-tired from working too hard, he also couldn't sleep because of an ache that hadn't been satisfied in a long, long time.

He looked at Hanbin's sleeping form once again and a cheeky smirk appeared on his face.

He had been asleep long enough.

He moved his hand that was cupped on Hanbin's face and slowly moved it down his neck, then chest, then abdomen, and finally he held it onto his crotch.

He couldn't believe how quickly it took for the younger male to get hard; it only took a few rubs.

Hanbin was now letting out small mewls as he slept while Bobby kept rubbing his swelling member through his sweatpants. He then began leaving a trail of kisses down his neck, making sure to make 'wet' sounds as he did.

Bobby was beginning to lose it now, his hard on pressing firmly against Hanbin's side. His breaths were getting broken and uneven, his lips painfully red.

Hanbin groaned as he stirred from his slumber, peeking one eye open at the person who was teasing him.

It was at that moment that Bobby decided to suck hard on Hanbin's favourite spot on his neck, giving him a successful hickey.

"A-ah!" Hanbin awoke fully, his cock twitching as if near orgasm.

"Babe, whaddya doin'?" The younger male slurred through a thick, sleepy mouth.

"Pleasin' you, what else does it look like?" Bobby asked mischievously as he continued to suck along his lover's neck and jawline.

"But it's nearly two a m! Aren't you tired?" He said between moans. God this felt good.

"Nah. I haven't slept yet, I keep thinking 'bout you," Bobby breathed the last part down Hanbin's ear, making him shiver.

"I need you, Hanbin."

It was those words that took him over the edge; just how it usually does.

Hanbin's eyes opened as wide as they could at this hour and he turned abruptly, smashing his lips with Bobby's. Their kisses were short and hot, leaving them both gasping for air in between each one.

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