Chapter: 8 Why are you panicking Mr Heterosexual

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"Good Lord, the fuck am I going to doooooooo" thought Mr Clean He'd been pacing around back and forth covering up everything, making sure he wasn't caught because if so he'd be killed by Hitler. But alas he could not keep his mind away from Q: his gentle tough, his smooth skin, the way he spoke, the way he made love and looking deep into those gorgeous eyes. " Well no one could tell anyone was ever here so I think I'm safe" thought Mr Clean. In bursts the man the myth the legend Hitler himself "GUTEN TÀG BITCHES!"he shouted with glee. "So Mr Clean will you please do me a favor? Im in desperate need" "Of course I am nothing but loyal to you and the Regime" Said Clean "Good I found this slow-depressed-mixed race-alcoholic-dead puppy having-his wife cheated on him-abuse dad-dead mom-raped by sister-brother dead-orphan-baby-Jew with two bad legs, dyslexia, dementia, cancer, a bad heart. Oh also he couldn't see or hear so we invented a science ma bob that let him just so we could slash his eyes ears and then mutilate his face so we could laugh at him." explained Hitler. In utter disbelief Mr Clean had to double take "Yeah so can you gas him for us please?" asked Hitler "Yes of course" said Mr Clean He couldn't he just couldn't so he found the only solution he could he gave the baby a bot a lifetime supply of milk and diapers and mailed it to Australia.

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