Chapter 7: Questioning the UnClean

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"I awoke to the sound of Mr Clean attempting to remove all evidence of our glorious night." thought Q  "So, how are you?" seductively asked Q "Amazingggggg......." sight Mr Clean with satisfaction "But! If Hitler finds out ANYTHING we'll be gassed, so keep that damn mouth of yours shut" panicked Mr Clean "Oh you know full well what I'll be doing instead" Giggled Q (Mr Clean Blushes intensely " So anyhow would you like to meet again? Mr UnClean" asked Q "Of course not!" scolded Mr Clean "I must say you must really not care about those contacts and Informants I told you about " grinned Q "You damn trickster, fine come back at 3:oo pm talk to Janet from Management and have her put you in a waiting room, dont leave!" exfoliated  Mr Clean "Its a date ....... Ka'chow!" said Q

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