Chapter 1

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Journal Entry November 23rd 2013


This is the exact words said in a video journal. "So honestly, today is like the best day of my life! My love for Hayes Grier, you know is pretty strong, and he texted me, and gave me his snapchat, and were talking right know. Im so happy. Oh my god."


It was around 11:30 a.m. and I was making my Christmas list like I was told to do. At the top if my list this was written

1. Nash Grier/Hayes Grier

I had recently found Hayes' kik on an old account 3 days before. This account was made before he was noticed for vines. November 20th I had kiked response. November 21st I had kiked him response. November 22 I still kiked him and could ya guess? No response. And you know the saying never give up on your dreams right? So I didn't and I sent him 1 kik message everyday. November 23rd I kiked him "Official Hayes?" And can you guess again? He responded saying "Hey" and boy did I scream my head off. My parents got so worried. I couldn't stop smiling

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2014 ⏰

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