Chapter 4: You said it wouldn't hurt but that's all it did

Start from the beginning

"Really what is she like." I said with a hint of jealousy.

"She's sweet, weird, self conscious and beautiful inside and out. She has a big heart and a great sense of humor. I just love talking to her and just being around her."

"Wow she sounds great what's her name? Does she go here?"I said with sarcasm.

"Yeah she goes here and I rather show you a picture." he said pulling something out of  pocket. It was his phone. He scrolled through and found something I guess cuz he started smiled really hard.

"Let me see!"

"Isabella this is the girl I fell in love with." He said  passing me the phone . It was a picture of me. I smiled and went back to the home screen and there I was again his screen saver. I couldn't stop smiling as I passed it back to him. I lifted my phone up to show him that he was my screensaver too.

"Well I feel stupid, I should probably go."

"Can I give you something first?"

"What" I said turning around. He just hugged me and said

"I really don't know what to do with you."

"Trust me your not the only one. But I have to go I'm late." I said beginning to walk off.

"What class you got?" he said lowly as if he was afraid to ask.

"Science " I said turning around.

"Me too" he said

"You coming?" I said standing still. He ran up and walked with me to class.He sat next Emma Who was behind me.


I was looking a note landed on my desk. I looked around and realized it was from Carter. I turned to see Carter mouth the words 'Give it to Sandra'. I did what he said. Once she read  it she sent a note back which I sent to Carter.  The note Carter sent she sent to Isabella who then sent it to Emma. Carter then sent me  another note for me it said

Do you like Izzy or nah - Carter

Yeah she's cool do you like sand still.- Jayden

He gave me the straight face and crumbled the paper.  I resent the message on a new paper without names.

Do you or do you not.

Nah I love her, we were together for a year and this week would make it 2.

What about the other girl that you were by at the lockers.

oh her I don't like her, I was using her  to get over my ex duh. And its not helping.

I was about to reply but  I stopped to clear my throat and write some notes from the board.Emily took the paper of my desk and passed it to Isabella. I guess she thought it was a note.  I watched as Isabella read the note and instantly her facial expression changed. Wait we didn't use names FUCK she probably thinks I said what Carter said. FUCK why am I so stupid.

After the bell dismissing us from science.


Why would he say something like that? Am I just your rebound? I'm done here. I give up, this is stupid. I had no chance to begin with. Plus I just met him a day ago. Yes I seen him around but this is different. I thought wrong. I thought you would never hurt me, but that's all your doing. I don't know what to do.

Walking down the hall to only walk in the way of ... Wow. Speak of the devil.

"Hey Izzy" He said walking closer to hug me I just stood still and said nothing. I didn't even hug back. "He continued, "Izzy what's wrong?"

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