Anyway, where are they? Are they late? Hm..

After minutes of Walking-


I turned around and went back to Kaisey and Reil. While going back, someone patted me. I looked at who it was and..

"Morning Allison!" I greeted wearing a smile. He didn't react after I greeted and then suddenly he giggled.


I blushed the moment he giggled and I can feel my heart going insanely crazy as well as my head. >/////>

Suddenly he stopped and leaned close to me. Which surprised me.

"W-w-w-what?? I-is there s-something wrong..?" I asked my voice shaking.

"Hm. Your face is like a tomato.." He said staring straight at me.

"•/////////• w-were gonna be late and ..I still need to find the others.."

"Oh OK..I'll help you then" Allison said smiling happily and started to walk so I followed. Allison was wearing his Red hood and his black Shorts. While I just wore something simple with my ponytail.

While walking around the school, we found Derick followed by Shawn and Jireyun. 

So we lead them back to Reil and Kaisey's.

But..someone or something is missing.

Oh right.

"Where's Deona?" I asked Allison.

"I don't know. Must be hanging with Alex..?" He said furrowing his eyebrows.

"Hm.. I'll go look for her then." I turned around and climbed at the 2nd floor of the first building.

"Maybe she's in her room. Or Alex's .." I thought to myself while passing through the corridors.

"Allison and I are together need to worry.."

"Oh I see..that poor Kelly is nothing after all.."

"How come you don't like her guys?"

'That voice...Sielah..?'

"Why are yo asking? You should know that!"

"Stop fighting know I don't want you guys to fight."

"Sorry Alex.."

"Hey. The challenges is about to start"

"Deona, your team might be looking for you! You should too, Sielah!"

"Thanks Alex.."

"Your such a good friend, Alex."

"Thanks Guys.."

Without realizing it, I'm already in tears..

They are so lucky they had Alex..I'm glad. Alex still has that good aura with them.

Maybe I'll just let them be.

I was about to walk away when someone grabbed me.

I looked at who it was and it was Alex.

When I saw her face, I can't understand her expression whether she's sad, happy, broken or angry..she then blinked a few times and we both kept this position for a few seconds then she let go of me.

"Alex. Did she hear our entire conversation?!" Deona Yelled.

Then Alex got mad.

"YOU!" Alex grabbed me again. In my shoulder.

"Since Allison is very close to you, don't forget HE IS MINE!" She warned. And finally lets go of me.

When I walked back, I saw everyone listening at the announcements. And the school grounds was also divided into two.

There are two school mixed together today..Kella's school and mine.

Behind me was Deona. Deona looked around  while walking ..because I was looking at her I bumped to Kaisey.

"Hey. The challenge is about to start."
Kaisey said smiling.

"OK.."  I replied nodding slowly.

So I focused my mind in the game.

Aunt Fena's-

Fena is Kella and and Kelly's aunt. She lives another country along with Kella and Kelly's Grandparents.

But they felt bad about letting the two live in their own in another country.but that's what they want. So
They waited until they become proper ladies. What they didn't know is that..they already had too much memories in where they are living now and how hard for them to leave behind their old house from before when their parents still lived.


" here's your tea, mom."
Fena puts down the tea in the table.

"Oh thank you dear." Her mom (Kella and Kelly's grandmother) said happily.

Fena sits down on another chair facing her.

"So..are we sure about this? The final will be on the third or fourth week of December." Fena said holding her arms together.

"Oh. Its Christmas. If we let them leave, they won't have the perfect Christmas." Her mom replied.

"But..that's our plan, right?" She asked.

" depends on your father. He's been disagreeing to this since we started planning it."

"So..what?" She asks once again.

Her mom takes a sip of her tea and smiles.

"If that's what you wan for them, do it. I trust you." She smiles.


Back at Kelly-


"I know what's the last challenge. Its racing!"


Its da end......jk!

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