"You have asked me here for a reason and I will fulfill what you need. Now as my good friend George explained you are looking for information of the travel through time."

He stared calculatingly at me, his cheery eyes not blinking or darting around. I averted my eyes to the floor. "Yes it's because-"

"No need to explain your curiosity, my Lady, today it is a rare occasion to find anyone wishing to ask the bigger questions."

"Yeah, I'm just curious that is all." I strode over to the table he was sitting at, pulling out a chair and gingerly sitting down. I felt like I was back at my grandpa's in his stuffy little living room, sitting uncomfortably in his stiff chairs while he regaled me of tales of the past. Just like then, I sat quietly, listening attentively to all things he said. I didn't want to annoy or disrespect him, so I sat in an uncomfortable silence.

"So my dear, this is where we must choose, continue our study into travelling into the past or future," he said examining a table of contents of a hand written book.

"Er, past please. I mean learning to go one way, we could figure out the opposite way," I said.

He looked up, his eyes crinkled, "Very wise words, my Lady."

He wandered through the book cases, tapping his lips as he went. He came back with a large stack of books, dividing them in two and giving me half.

"A little light reading." I opened the first of twelve books, sighing. So much for here being an escape from school. The light quickly grew dim and my eyes quickly became unfocused and tired. Everything in these books had begun repeating, witches spells, sands of time, ancient cultures with knowledge we had forgotten. None of it helpful. I snapped the 7th book closed and leaned back in the creaky chair, closing my eyes. My eyes felt hot under my eyelids.

"I do not mean to be rude, and I know I've asked you here, but I don't think I can stand reading another sentence!" I exclaimed.

He looked up from his book, surprised, like he had forgotten I was still here, "Oh yes, please go rest. You will not remember anything you have read if your memory is impaired by lack of sleep. First though, what have you learned?"

I sighed getting up from my seat, "Well there were witches, sands of time, old civilizations, but none of that is very helpful. I'm looking for science based answers."

"Don't underestimate the power of fables. Each one carries truths and science if you look hard enough. And don't forget something because you deem it useless, it may be the key when you least expect it, Elizabeth. Have a good night now and may your rest be filled with interesting dreams."

"Uh, thanks, same to you." I mumbled, my head already picturing getting into a warm bed. I left him alone, still reading in the library. The warm light of the library was extinguished as the door shut, leaving an empty and dark hallway. Not even the candles on the walls were a blaze any longer. I shivered from the lack of heat out here and began running(as well as I could in a long dress.) Abe's room was closer than mine. I pushed the door quietly, expecting Abe to be asleep already. But he was sitting at his desk, a single candle its wick low, was the only light source for the room. He was feverishly writing, dipping his quill in and out of the ink pot quickly to continue writing. He kept pushing his hair back, the way he did when stressed.

"What are you doing still awake?" I asked, drifting over to see what he was writing, but he flipped over the thick paper.

"I received a letter not long ago and it was prudent that I write back quickly," he sighed looking at me with an odd sorrowful expression.

"What about?" My stress level was rising like a hot balloon near my heart, too. This can't be good.

"I will have to leave for a while," he said, picking up my hand.

"What! Why?"

"The king himself has asked me to assist in the war effort. One of his generals had quit after the unification of most of our enemies do to the Prussians last siege. So he wants-"

"Who cares what the king wants! You are not going to war!"

"I promise it will not be long and I will not be in any danger-"

"The last general obviously did not think that!"

"The king does not take no for an answer. If I refuse you will soon see our finances dry up and our titles revoked. That is how royalty works."

"Well that is not fair! Where I am from that would not stand. The royals barely have any power it's more of a formality really and-"

"Well we are not where you are from. We must deal with where we are now and if it is unfitting to our wishes than that is too bad."

"But why does it have to be like that? We could just leave. We could move to Italy and get a little cottage by the sea. Or go to the colonies!"

He cupped by cheek with his hand, "Alice, I have to go."

"No you don't. You are just unwilling to fight against this." I huffed.

"Remember what I said to you on our wedding day?"

"You will help me..."

"If you trust me," he pulled me into a comforting embrace, but it could not ease the concerns on my mind.

Dear Past, You Suck!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें