I Can Kick My Own Ass

Start from the beginning

"I have to say, you did bring pride to the name Harmony. You are really tough to be able to handle your head smashing through some branches and hitting the ground" I said as I pulled the shrunken out of my arms. "However, there can be only one of us in the end. Trust me, I can kick my own ass." I then throw the shrunken at Anti-Harmony and began to perform hand signs. "I am excited to put my training to use." 

"Fire Clone Jutsu!" I yelled and spit out fire at the spot next to me. In just a few seconds, a clone of myself was there in fire. "I have spent a while trying to perfect this jutsu. Come on me, do not let the literal pain in the ass of training go to waste for this move." 

Fire Harmony and I ran towards Anti-Harmony with lightning speed. I heard words in my microphone set, but paid no attention to them as I ran towards Anti-Harmony just ahead of Fire Harmony. Just a few feet away from Anti-Harmony, I flipped into the sky and began to perform hand signs. Fire Harmony spat fire balls from her mouth and shrank smaller and smaller after each fire ball. When my whole body was upside down and my head was facing Anti-Harmony with a grin on my face. 

"Giant Fire Ball Jutsu." gently, I said as I spat out a giant fireball at Anti-Harmony. Fire Harmony spat out her last fire ball and joined the large fire that was engulfing Anti-Harmony. 

I landed about a classroom length away from the giant fire of Anti-Harmony. When I looked at her, I saw the worn out girl disappear into a cloud of smoke. Happily, I lightly smiled at my victory. 

"It looks like I can kick ass, even if it is my own." jokingly, I said and suddenly collapsed onto the group. "Damn it, I should have saved more chakra." 

It was then that I realized how heavy my breathes were. I took advantage of being lazy and took out some water. After battle water had always tasted the best. Nothing could compare to the taste of after battle water. Slowly, I sat up and began to pull some wrap out. 

"Damn you Akatsuki." I muttered I wrapped the wrap around my arm wounds. "Damn you for trying to slow us down. Damn you for being scaredy-cats and not facing us yourselves. Instead you set some trap. I will destroy you myself if needed." 

After I said those words, I realized how much I truly meant them. They were after somebody who had earned my respect and was a friend of mine. Despite the fact that I had disliked Gaara in the beginning, I was secretly glad to know that he had changed. Even if I had never shown how proud I was of him for being able to change himself for the better. The Akatsuki took his hard work away from him and that was what frustrated me the most about them kidnapping Gaara. I could barely begin to imagine what they were attempting to do Gaara. I rued that I did not know enough about Jinchuuriki to be able to fully understand the situation. 

They threatened a whole village so they could get Gaara. There is no doubt they would have killed the villagers if it meant having to get Gaara. If they try to get Naruto while we are on this mission, they will not hesitate to kill any of us in their way. I thought to myself with my eyes closed. 

With determination, I opened my eyes, forced myself to stand up, and began to jog towards the rendezvous point. Images of my friends in battle popped into my mind as I continued to jog. The more I thought about my friends, the faster I went. Soon I went from a jog to a run to a sprint. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins as I sprinted towards the rendezvous point. My determination was my energy.

"Harmony, are you okay?" Guy Sensei asked me through the head set. 

"Yeah, I just defeated my enemy and am now heading towards the rendezvous. How about you guys?" I asked him between breathes. 

"Guy Sensei is currently fighting one of the Akatsuki members. We changed our plan slightly because as soon as we all came together, Kakashi had sent us a dog to help go after him. We are not at the rendezvous point anymore. If you were listening to your head set in the first place, you would have heard us said it a while ago." Neji said to me and I rolled my eyes at him. "You go back to where the boulder originally was and see if anybody needs help there. Otherwise-" 

"Neji?" I asked him after he cut off. "Neji?" I asked again and clenched my jaw. "Fucking Akatsuki. If they dare hurt my friends, I will fuck up their asses." I said to myself as I went towards the boulder at lightning speed. 


I hope the fight came out well to you guys. (: What do you think of Harmony's new moves? How is the path of life for you? c:  I apologize that the chapter is on the short side, but I just wanted to do the fight scene for this chapter and this is what came out. I think that this is a good length for a good fight scene. (: I actually think this is the best fight scene I have ever wrote yet. c: 

Have a wonderful day and stay fresh home dawgs! P.s. If you are a fellow writer and are having trouble getting into the mood of a chapter, listen to some Na BruTal soundtracks. They are kick booty and really motivational. c; 

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