Have Some Fluff As I Arise From The Dead

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The light hit his face perfectly.

It was a crisp, sunny December morning and Shane was having one of those 'I'm so lucky this is my life' days. Ryan was still asleep, facing him, hugging the covers into himself to cover the cold air that hung in the bedroom. Shane's whole world seemed to just stop for a heartbeat as he stared at him best friend turned love of his life sleep, undisturbed and unbelievably beautiful. He was wearing one of Shane's old hoodies and a pair of boxers, which meant his toned legs popped out of the hem of the hoodie, curled around Shane's. There was a quiet rustling outside the window, no doubt the dead leaves being removed from their former homes by the winter winds. The sound added nicely to the general serenity of the scene in front of Shane. It was like some bad movie that was trying way too hard to be relatable, and instead ended up making a paradise, except this was Shane's reality.

It took Shane a couple of heartbeats to realise that Ryan was his and he was Ryan's. They were together, Unsolved was more than an idea on a Word document, and everything was more than bearable for once. He wasn't just scraping by. He wasn't praying for something to happen; he was begging for time to stop for a couple of hours so he could stare at the beautiful man in front of him for the rest of his life.

It was only when he felt a pair of soft lips against his neck that he guessed that Ryan was awake. He chuckled softly, wrapping his arms around the smaller male.

"Good morning, Ryan. How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good. How about you?" Ryan mumbled, nuzzling his neck gently. Shane replied, stating how his night had been of suitable quality, electing a small laugh out of Ryan. The morning sun emphasised all of Ryan's featured, and Shane smiled as he saw the little smile Ryan did when he was too tired to laugh. It was a little slice of Heaven for Shane, and he couldn't help but thank whatever brought the two men together, and praised whatever made Ryan fall in love with the stupidly tall, cocky, unbearably sarcastic man.

"Are you okay, babe?" Ryan asked, laying a hand softly on Shane's face, brushing a thumb over his morning stubble.

Shane memorized his features again, a soft, happy expression presented on his features.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine, Ry. Just kinda falling in love with you all over again."

Ryan blushed beautifully and laughed, kissing him again.

Everything was okay.

Everything was going to be okay.

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