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                             happened. Yep, I got attacked by a random Frost Giant who was babbling who knows what about Doctor Doom.

So I bet you're wondering if I sat down with him, grabbed a cup of tea and discussed the FIFA World Cup with the guy, debating which team was gonna make the finals. And then you probably think we popped open the X Box and played Halo Reach for about 6 hours before Yukio came and tucked us into bed.

Well whoever you are, if you actually think that's what happened I sorely hope you have someone to give you a good knock on the head to snap you back to your senses. Cause in reality, I mighta almost burned down my dorm room.

In a flash of fire, I assumed my Ghost Rider form as I drew my sword and stabbed it straight into the giant's foot, nailing it to the floor so that he couldn't move any further. I then lashed my chain out with my other hand and wrapped it around his neck, wrenching him downwards and smashing him to the ground.

I put a foot on top of the giant's head. "Alrighty then...time to start talking....And you better pay for the wall you just smashed, cause I've got absolutely zilch in my wallet."

The giant started to chuckle as bits of his icey skin began to melt from the heat of the nearby hell fire. Well for a guy who looked like he was about to be torn apart by an angry demon, he looked rather happy about something.

"Okay...let me guess...This is the part where you tell me I don't know who I'm dealing with..."

"You don't know who you're...hey!"


"Well you don't okay!? I come as an agent of the great Sorcerer of Latveria himself!!"

Okay, so I was dealing with Doctor Doom. One thing about the number one most wanted man in the world, was that he knew magic from when he and Morgan Le Fay had a thing going...yeah, no lie, that weird magic witch person from Camelot or something fell in love with ol' metalface. So it wasn't surprising that Doom might be able to bend a mystic creature or alien like a Frost Giant to his will.

"Alright Frosty." I growled. "You're going to tell me everything you know about ol, Doc Doodoo...and what does he want with me?"

"Oh you'll find out soon enough!" said a voice I didn't recognize.

I looked up just in time to see none other then the unstoppable Juggernaut charging straight into me. A few dozen walls and some stars around my skull later, I found myself flying through the other side of the building as Juggernaut looked down at me with a grin.

Juggernaut...why did it have to be Juggernaut....well at least I wasn't fighting the Hulk.

I roared and made to slash my sword at dome head. But that's when I realized that my sword was still stuck in the Frost Giant's foot, and my chain was still wrapped around the monster's neck. Man...I hate it when the tables turn.

Juggernaut smacked his fist straight into my face, blowing apart my entire skull like a toddler swiping candy from a basket. My skull instantly regenerated and I spread my hands out, letting a wave of hell fire blast into Juggernaut, causing him to fly back in a mega rumble.

Juggernaut got up laughing. "Nice try kid! Don't you know who I am!?"

"A doofus with a terrible taste in head wear."

"I'm the Juggernaut!" Juggernaut shouted as he began running at me. "Once I get going, nothing can stop me!!!"

"I guess that includes your mouth, cause you're just running it off like the idiot doofus you are."

Ghost Rider Exorcist. Book 1: Flames of ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now